biomechanics of muscles Flashcards
muscle function
Maintenance of upright body posture
Movement of the trunk and limbs
Shock absorption
extracellular matrix of muscle function
Support and protection, enabling the muscle to stretch safely and return to its resting length.
A pathway for neurovascular tissues to provide stimulation and nutrition for the muscle cells.
Smooth transmission of muscular force to bone via the tendon. (When muscle cell contracts and shortens, it pulls on the sarcolemma, which pulls on the endomysium, which pulls on the perimysium, which pulls on the epimysium, which pulls on the tendon.)
biomecahnical properties
contractile component: convert electrical stimulation into force of a contraction
parallel elastic comp: supply resistance when a muscle is passively stretched (protection)
series elastic comp: act as a spring to store elastic energy when a tensed muscle is stretched
type 1 sensory neurons in muscles
monitors the rate/velocity of stretch + the amount of stretch (stimulated by gamma motor neurons activating the contractile ends of the spindle)
type 2 sensory neurons in muscles
monitors the amount of stretch (stimulated by the entire muscle being stretched)
golgi tendon organ
monitors force or tension in the muscle to ensure the right amount of force is applied for a given load. The GTO protects the muscle from fatigue-induced contraction injuries by inhibiting the output of the alphamotor neuron to the muscles at the spinal cord. This is sometimes called the inverse stretch reflex.
factors that influence muscle perfromance
moment arm
fibre arrangment
muscle lentgh
contraction velocisty
fibre type
muscle size
primary impact
physiological cross sectional area
area of a slice that passes through all muscle fibres
moment arm
easy to produce torque and to produce force
fibre arrangement
parallel - biceps .muscle length proportinal to fibre size
pennate- muscle length is not equal to muscle length, force genereate in a diff direction to muscle, smaller ROM
muscle length
active insurficent
passive insurficent
strecthed shortnening cycle:
if procced a concentric muscle action with a stretch then increase the enrgy and force
contraction velocity
max length velocity/ eccentric > max shortening/ concentric
muscle fibre type
slow twitch- type 1-aerobic
fast twitch- type 2 ( type 2a// type 2b)- anerobic high forces and power
type 1/ slow twitch muscle fibre
Small diameter
* Dark (mitochondria and more
* Slow twitch (slow oxidative)
* Fatigue resistant
* More capillaries and higher O2
* Aerobic metabolism due to the
presence of oxidative enzymes
type 2/ fast twitch muscle fibre
Larger diameter
* Pale (less mitochondria and
* Fast twitch (fast glycolitic)
* Faster to contract, stronger force
production but fatigue quickly
* Anaerobic metabolism