MD2 Flashcards
Name the plant
DIGITALIS PURPUREA – purple foxglove
Family name of DIGITALIS PURPUREA – purple foxglove
Habitat of DIGITALIS PURPUREA – purple foxglove
Acidophilous Forests
Chemical gorups of DIGITALIS PURPUREA – purple foxglove
Cardiac glycosides
Poisenous compoud of DIGITALIS PURPUREA – purple foxglove
Spesific symptoms of DIGITALIS PURPUREA – purple foxglove
Ca2+ and Na+ channel inhibitors
Irregular/slow heart beat
ST depression
Name the plant
DIGITALIS PURPUREA – purple foxglove
Name the plant
ADONIS VERNALIS – spring pheasant’s eye
Name the plant
ADONIS VERNALIS – spring pheasant’s eye
Family of ADONIS VERNALIS – spring pheasant’s eye
Habitat of ADONIS VERNALIS – spring pheasant’s eye
Dry Meadows
Chemical group of ADONIS VERNALIS – spring pheasant’s eye
Cardiac glycosides
Poisonous compounds ADONIS VERNALIS – spring pheasant’s eye
Specific symptoms of ADONIS VERNALIS – spring pheasant’s eye
Ca2+ and Na+ channel inhibitors
Irregular/slow heart beat
ST Depression
Name the plant
CONVALLARIA MAJALIS – lily-of-the-valley
Name the plant
CONVALLARIA MAJALIS – lily-of-the-valley
Family of CONVALLARIA MAJALIS – lily-of-the-valley
Habitat of CONVALLARIA MAJALIS – lily-of-the-valley
Forest, parks, gardens
Chemical groups of CONVALLARIA MAJALIS – lily-of-the-valley
Cardiac glycosides
Poisonous compounds of CONVALLARIA MAJALIS – lily-of-the-valley
Specific symptoms of CONVALLARIA MAJALIS – lily-of-the-valley
Ca+ and Na+ channel inibitors
Irregular/slow heart beat
ST depression
Name the plant
ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA – common milkweed
Name the pant
ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA – common milkweed
Name the plant
ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA – common milkweed
Family of ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA – common milkweed
Habitat of ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA – common milkweed
Disturbed grassland, mainly on sandy soils
Chemical groups of ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA – common milkweed
Cardiac glycosides
Poisensous compound of ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA – common milkweed
Spesific symptoms of ASCLEPIAS SYRIACA – common milkweed
Ca2+ and Na+ channel inhibitors
Irregular/slow heart beat
ST depression
Name the plant
Name the plant
Family of VINCETOXICUM HIRUNDINARIA – white swallow-wort
Habitat of VINCETOXICUM HIRUNDINARIA – white swallow-wort
Forest, dry grassland
Chemical group of VINCETOXICUM HIRUNDINARIA – white swallow-wort
Cardiac glycosides
Poisonous compound of VINCETOXICUM HIRUNDINARIA – white swallow-wort
Specific symptoms of VINCETOXICUM HIRUNDINARIA – white swallow-wort
Ca2+ & Na+ Channel inhibitors:
Irregular/Slow Heart Beat
ST Depression (ECG)
Name the plant
Name the plant
Family of HELLEBORUS PURPURASCENS – purple hellebore
Habitat of HELLEBORUS PURPURASCENS – purple hellebore
Fresh forest, gardens
Chemical compounds of HELLEBORUS PURPURASCENS – purple hellebore
Cardiac glycosides
Poisenous compound of HELLEBORUS PURPURASCENS – purple hellebore
Specific symptoms of HELLEBORUS PURPURASCENS – purple hellebore
Ca2+ & Na+ Channel inhibitors:
Irregular/Slow Heart Beat
ST Depression (ECG)
Name the plant
Name the plant
Family of TAXUS BACCATA – yew
Habitat of TAXUS BACCATA – yew
Mountainous forest,
Evergreen garden plant
Chemical group of TAXUS BACCATA – yew
Diterpene, pseudoalkaloids
Poisenous compounds of TAXUS BACCATA – yew
Taxine B
Specific symptoms of TAXUS BACCATA – yew
Ca2+ & Na+ Channel inhibitors:
Name A and B
Convallaria majalis (a) vs. Allium ursinum (b)
Name the plant
Datura stramonium - Jimsonweed
Name the plant
Datura stramonium - Jimsonweed
Family name of Datura stramonium - Jimsonweed
Habitat of Datura stramonium - Jimsonweed
Nutrient (NO3-) rich soils
Chemical groups of Datura stramonium - Jimsonweed
Tropane Alkaloids
Poisonous compounds of Datura stramonium - Jimsonweed
Specific symptoms of Datura stramonium - Jimsonweed
Rapid breathing
Respiratory Failure
Name the plant
Hyoscyamus niger- Henbane
name the plant
Hyoscyamus niger- Henbane
Family of Hyoscyamus niger- Henbane
habitat of Hyoscyamus niger- Henbane
Disturbed Ground
chemical group of Hyoscyamus niger- Henbane
Tropane Alkaloids
poisonous compounds of Hyoscyamus niger- Henbane
specific symptoms of Hyoscyamus niger- Henbane
Rapid Breathing
Respiratory Failure
name the plant
Atropa belladonna - Deadly Nightshade
name the plant
Atropa belladonna - Deadly Nightshade
Family of Atropa belladonna - Deadly Nightshade
Habitat of Atropa belladonna - Deadly Nightshade
Shady Forests from early summer
chemical group of Atropa belladonna - Deadly Nightshade
Tropane Alkaloids
Poisonous compound of Atropa belladonna - Deadly Nightshade
Specific symptoms of Atropa belladonna - Deadly Nightshade
Rapid Breathing
Respiratory Failure
name the plant
Papaver rhoeas - Field Poppy
name the plant
Papaver rhoeas - Field Poppy
family group of Papaver rhoeas - Field Poppy
habitat of Papaver rhoeas - Field Poppy
Agricultural weed
Chemical group of Papaver rhoeas - Field Poppy
Banzylisoquinoline Alkaloids
Poisonous compounds of Papaver rhoeas - Field Poppy
Rhoedine/ Papaverine
Specific symptoms of Papaver rhoeas - Field Poppy
, vomiting
, constipation, coma, hallucinations, death
Name the plant
Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Name the plant
Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Family name of Conium maculatum - Hemlock
name the plant
Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Habitat of Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Disturbed Habitats on nutrient rich soils
Chemical group of Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Piperidine Alkaloids
Poisonous group of Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Coniine, Coniceine
Specific symptoms of Conium maculatum - Hemlock
Uncontrolled urination
Paralysis of limbs
Slow, laboured and irregular Respiration
name the plant
Aconitum vulparia - Wolfsbane
Name the plant
Aconitum vulparia - Wolfsbane
Family name of Aconitum vulparia - Wolfsbane
Habitat of Aconitum vulparia - Wolfsbane
Mountainous Forests or Gardens
chemical group of Aconitum vulparia - Wolfsbane
Diterpene, Pseudoalkaloids
Poisonous compounds of Aconitum vulparia - Wolfsbane
specific symptoms of Aconitum vulparia - Wolfsbane
Resp. Failure)
Cardiac Arrest –
Tingling and numbness
Name the plant
Solanum nigrum - Black Nightshade
Name the plant
Solanum nigrum - Black Nightshade
family of Solanum nigrum - Black Nightshade
Habitat of Solanum nigrum - Black Nightshade
Disturbed Habitats, rich in Nutrient content etc, crop fields, gardens from summer
chemical group of Solanum nigrum - Black Nightshade
Poisonous compounds of Solanum nigrum - Black Nightshade
Specific symptoms of Solanum nigrum - Black Nightshade
Cardiac arrythmia
Name the plant
Veratrum album - White Hellebore
name the plant
Veratrum album - White Hellebore
family name of Veratrum album - White Hellebore
habitat of Veratrum album - White Hellebore
Lush Grasslands from early Spring
chemical group of Veratrum album - White Hellebore
poisonous compounds of Veratrum album - White Hellebore
Specific symptoms of Veratrum album - White Hellebore
Inhibits smooth muscle protein.
Mutagenic effect for embryos
Name the plant
Agrostemma githago -Corncockle
Name the plant
Agrostemma githago - Corncockle
family name of Agrostemma githago - Corncockle
Habitat of Agrostemma githago - Corncockle
Weed of Wheat
Chemical group of Agrostemma githago - Corncockle
NON-Steroidal Triterpenoids
Poisonous compounds of Agrostemma githago - Corncockle
Saponins: Agrostin
Specific symptoms of Agrostemma githago - Corncockle
Acute poisoning:
Resp. Depression, Vomiting Diarrhoea Paralysis
name the plant
Equisetum arvense - Field Horsetail
name the plant
Equisetum arvense - Field Horsetail
family name of Equisetum arvense - Field Horsetail
habitat of Equisetum arvense - Field Horsetail
Agricultural Weed, Disturbed Grasslands
chemical group of Equisetum arvense - Field Horsetail
Amino Acid Derivatives
Poisonous compounds of Equisetum arvense - Field Horsetail
Thiaminase (enzyme)
Specific symptoms of Equisetum arvense - Field Horsetail
Weakness, decreased milk production.
In Ruminants:behavioural disorders
Brain becomes inflamed
Name the plant
Euphorbia cyparissias - Cypress Spurge
name the plant
Euphorbia cyparissias - Cypress Spurge
family name of Euphorbia cyparissias - Cypress Spurge
habitat of Euphorbia cyparissias - Cypress Spurge
Dry Pastures, Gravelly Roadsides, meadows from summer
Chemical group of Euphorbia cyparissias - Cypress Spurge
Poisonous compound Euphorbia cyparissias - Cypress Spurge
Phorbol Esters
Specific symptoms of Euphorbia cyparissias - Cypress Spurge
Releases proteases and damages
tissue > Inflammation of gastrointestinal tract, diarrhoea, colic
name the plant
Hedera helix - Ivy
name the plant
Hedera helix - Ivy
family name of Hedera helix - Ivy
habitat of Hedera helix - Ivy
Disturbed, Nutrient
soil (Forests, Gardens)
chemical group of Hedera helix - Ivy
Triterpenoid Glycoside
poisonous compound of Hedera helix - Ivy
specific symptoms of Hedera helix - Ivy
Saponin effect (Frothy Bloat) that irritates GT
name the plant
Quercus spp. - Oak Species
family name of Quercus spp. - Oak Species
habitat of Quercus spp. - Oak Species
Mainly in Forests
chemical groups of Quercus spp. - Oak Species
Gallic Acid Derivates
Polyphenolic Compounds
poisonous compound of Quercus spp. - Oak Species
specific symptoms of Quercus spp. - Oak Species
Swollen kidneys
name the plant
Hypericum perforatum - St. John’s Wort
name the plant
Hypericum perforatum - St. John’s Wort
family name of Hypericum perforatum - St. John’s Wort
habitat of Hypericum perforatum - St. John’s Wort
Dried Pastures, Roadsides, gardens
chemical group of Hypericum perforatum - St. John’s Wort
Specific Glycoalkaloid
poisonous compound of Hypericum perforatum - St. John’s Wort
specific symptoms of Hypericum perforatum - St. John’s Wort
Primary Photosensitisation: Rashes, Lesions, Ulcerations
Name the plant
Senecio spp. - Ragwort Species
Name the plant
Senecio spp. - Ragwort Species
Family name of Senecio spp. - Ragwort Species
Habitat of Senecio spp. - Ragwort Species
Grasslands, Disturbed Habitats
Chemical group of Senecio spp. - Ragwort Species
Poisonous compound of Senecio spp. - Ragwort Species
Specific symptoms of Senecio spp. - Ragwort Species
Gallbladder often oedematous > Secondary Photosensitisation (Symptoms within a few months):
Chronic Cyrrhosis
Name the plant
Ambrosia artemisiifolia - Common Ragweed
Name the plant
Ambrosia artemisiifolia - Common Ragweed
Family name of Ambrosia artemisiifolia - Common Ragweed
Habitat of Ambrosia artemisiifolia - Common Ragweed
Disturbed Habitats
Chemical group of Ambrosia artemisiifolia - Common Ragweed
Poisonous compound of Ambrosia artemisiifolia - Common Ragweed
Specific symptoms of Ambrosia artemisiifolia - Common Ragweed
Contact Dermatitis,
But also kidney & liver damage & CNS symptoms
Name the plant
Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy
Name the plant
Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy
Family name of Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy
Habitat of Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy
Forests, Disturbed Grasslands
Chemical group of Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy
Monoterpenoid Compounds
Poisonous compound of Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy
Specific symptoms of Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy
Lung Edema
Name the plant
Tanacetum vulgare - Tansy
Name the plant
Tanacetum vulgare - Tansy
Family name of Tanacetum vulgare - Tansy
Habitat of Tanacetum vulgare - Tansy
Disturbed Pastures, Meadows
Chemical group of Tanacetum vulgare - Tansy
Poisonous compound of Tanacetum vulgare - Tansy
Specific symptoms of Tanacetum vulgare - Tansy
Reduced Neuronal Excitability > Hyperpolarisation of cell membrane
Contact dermatitis
Name the plant
Ranunculus acris - Tall Buttercup
Name the plant
Ranunculus acris - Tall Buttercup
Family name of Ranunculus acris - Tall Buttercup
Chemical group of Ranunculus acris - Tall Buttercup
Poisonous compound of Ranunculus acris - Tall Buttercup
Habitat of Ranunculus acris - Tall Buttercup
Dry Pastures, Meadows
Specific symptoms of Ranunculus acris - Tall Buttercup
cell death Growth depression Skin and mouth irritation Seizures low heart rate
Name the plant
Caltha palustris - Marsh Marigold
Name the plant
Caltha palustris - Marsh Marigold
Family name of Caltha palustris - Marsh Marigold
Habitat of Caltha palustris - Marsh Marigold
Fresh Meadows, Marshes, Garden Ponds
Chemical group of Caltha palustris - Marsh Marigold
Poisonous compound of Caltha palustris - Marsh Marigold
Specific symptoms of Caltha palustris - Marsh Marigold
cell death
Growth depression
low heart rate
Name the plant
Aristolochia clematitis - European Birthwort
Name the plant
Aristolochia clematitis - European Birthwort
Family name of Aristolochia clematitis - European Birthwort
Habitat of Aristolochia clematitis - European Birthwort
Disturbed Habitats, Gardens, Orchards, crop fields
Chemical group Aristolochia clematitis - European Birthwort
poisonous compound of Aristolochia clematitis - European Birthwort
Aristolochic Acids
Specific symptoms of Aristolochia clematitis - European Birthwort
Kidney Damage,
Urothelial Cancer
Necrosis of renal tubules, Atrophy of spleen & thymus, ulceration of forestomach
Name the plant
Pteridium aquilinum - Bracken Fern
Name the plant
Pteridium aquilinum - Bracken Fern
Family name of Pteridium aquilinum - Bracken Fern
Habitat of Pteridium aquilinum - Bracken Fern
Forests, Disturbed Areas, Acidic Soils
Chemical group of Pteridium aquilinum - Bracken Fern
Cyanogenic Glycosides
AA Derivates
Carcinogenic Norsesquiterpene
Poisonous compound of Pteridium aquilinum - Bracken Fern
Specific symptoms of Pteridium aquilinum - Bracken Fern
Ruminants: Damage to bone marrow, Problems clotting and RBC synthesis
>Gall Bladder Tumors >Haemorrhages in all tissues
Thiamine Defficiency > CNS effects
Name the plant
Rumex acetosella - Sheep’s Sorrel
Name the plant
Rumex acetosella - Sheep’s Sorrel
Family name of Rumex acetosella - Sheep’s Sorrel
Habitat of Rumex acetosella - Sheep’s Sorrel
Dry Grasslands, especially with acidic soils
Chemical group of Rumex acetosella - Sheep’s Sorrel
Oxalic Acids/Organic Acids
Poisonous compound of Rumex acetosella - Sheep’s Sorrel
Oxalic Acids
Specific symptoms of Rumex acetosella - Sheep’s Sorrel
Soluble Type:
Astringent taste, leads to GT irritation
Form insoluble precipitates (oxalate crystals)
Calcium oxalate > hypocalcaemia > disorders in bone development & milk production
Insoluble type:
Stored in idioblast cells Crystals can penetrate into skin, mucous membranes > inflammation, salivation, renal disorders > oxalosis Oxalate crystals begin accumulating in the blood, eyes, bones, muscles, blood vessels, heart and other organs
Damage to Kidney Tubules,
Decreased Ca2+ uptake»_space; Tetany, Tremors, Collapse
Name the plant
Amaranthus retroflexus - Redroot Pigweed
Name the plant
Amaranthus retroflexus - Redroot Pigweed
Family name of Amaranthus retroflexus - Redroot Pigweed
Habitat of Amaranthus retroflexus - Redroot Pigweed
Disturbed Habitats, Grasslands, Roadsides
Chemical group of Amaranthus retroflexus - Redroot Pigweed
Poisonous compound of Amaranthus retroflexus - Redroot Pigweed
Specific symptoms of Amaranthus retroflexus - Redroot Pigweed
15-20%: Cyanosis (discolouration of skin)
20-50%: Headache, laboured breathing, weakness
Name the plant
Colchicum autumnale - Meadow Saffron
Name the plant
Colchicum autumnale - Meadow Saffron
Family name of Colchicum autumnale - Meadow Saffron
Habitat of Colchicum autumnale - Meadow Saffron
Fresh Meadows
Chemical group of Colchicum autumnale - Meadow Saffron
Colchicin Protoalkaloid
Poisonous compound of Colchicum autumnale - Meadow Saffron
Colchicine Binds to
tubule > colchicin effect
Specific symptoms of Colchicum autumnale - Meadow Saffron
Inhibits Cell Division:
Multiple Organ Dysfucntion syndrome (MODS) within 1- 3 days
Ascending Paralysis (start with lower limbs)
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Within 2-24 hours, irritation of GT
Name the plant
Vinca minor - Lesser Periwinkle
Name the plant
Vinca minor - Lesser Periwinkle
Family name of Vinca minor - Lesser Periwinkle
Habitat of Vinca minor - Lesser Periwinkle
Forests, Gardens, Graveyards
Chemical group of Vinca minor - Lesser Periwinkle
Indole Alkaloids
Poisonous compound of Vinca minor - Lesser Periwinkle
Mainly Vincamine
Also vincristine (synthetic derivates)
Also vinblastine
Specific symptoms of Vinca minor - Lesser Periwinkle
Inhibits Cell Division:
Multiple Organ Dysfucntion syndrome (MODS) within 1- 3 days
Ascending Paralysis (start with lower limbs)
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)
Within 2-24 hours, irritation of GT
Name the plant
Robinia pseudo-acacia - Black Locust
Name the plant
Robinia pseudo-acacia - Black Locust
Family name of Robinia pseudo-acacia - Black Locust
Habitat of Robinia pseudo-acacia - Black Locust
Disturbed Habitats of Sandy Soils, Roadsides, widely planted
Chemical group of Robinia pseudo-acacia - Black Locust
Non- Proteinogenic Amino Acid
Poisonous compound of Robinia pseudo-acacia - Black Locust
Robin and Fazin Toxalbumins
Specific symptoms of Robinia pseudo-acacia - Black Locust
Inhibition of Protein Synthesis: Multiple Organ Failure
Weakness, depression, anorexia
»Dilated Pupils, venous congestion
Coldness of Extremities
Weak and irregular pulse
Yellow-ish pigmentation (similar to icterus/jaundice)
Name the plant
Melilotus officinalis - Yellow Sweet Clover
Name the plant
Melilotus officinalis - Yellow Sweet Clover
Family name of Melilotus officinalis - Yellow Sweet Clover
Habitat of Melilotus officinalis - Yellow Sweet Clover
n Disturbed Habitats, Roadsides
Chemical group of Melilotus officinalis - Yellow Sweet Clover
Poisonous compound of Melilotus officinalis - Yellow Sweet Clover
Melilotoside Glycoside
Specific symptoms of Melilotus officinalis - Yellow Sweet Clover
After a few weeks: Decreased Level of Prothrombin Pale Mucous Membranes Stiffness/Lameness due to bleeding into muscles and joints Hematomas in GT