Mandible Flashcards
What does the mandible form?
Lower jaw
What is the largest and strongest bone of the face and the only moveable bone of the skull?
What are the articulations of the mandible?
Temporal bone
Mandibular teeth articulate with maxillary teeth
Key parts of the mandible?
Coronoid process
Condyle process
Alveolar process
What ascends vertically on each side of the mandible from posterior aspects of the body?
How many processes is the ramus topped by?
Condyle and coronoid
What shape of bone is the body of the mandible?
U shaped
What is the coronoid process?
Sits anterior to Condyle and forms insertion for temporalis muscle
What are the 2 parts of the Condyle?
Head - fits into mandibular fossa of the temporal bone
Neck - body of bone that supports the Condyle
What is the alveolar process in the mandible?
Consists of 2 plates of bone - facial and lingual; houses the teeth
A ridge of bone that originates at the mental tubercle and sweeps upwards and backwards to become a sharp anterior border of the?
Ramus of the mandible
External features of the mandible?
- Mental foreman
- Mental tubercles
- Mental protuberance
- External oblique ridge
What external feature of the mandible transmits and carries the mental nerve and artery and where is it situated?
Mental foreman
Sits between lower 1st and 2nd premolar region
What muscles originate from the genial tubercles in the mandible?
Genioglossus and geniohyoid
Which 2 fossa in the mandible house the salivary glands?
Submandibular fossa
Sublingual fossa
What ridge runs parallel to the lower molars and rises upwards and which muscle attaches here?
Mylohyoid ridge
Mylohyoid muscle (floor of anterior part of mouth)
Where is the digastric fossae located and what muscle attachment does it form?
Either side of the midline on the lingual mandible body.
Digastric muscle (aids with mandible movement)
What are the key internal features of the mandible?
- Digastric fossae
- Genial tubercles
- Mylohyoid ridge
- Submandibular and sublingual fossa
- Inferior dental foramen
What are the key features of the inferior dental foramen?
- Slanted opening at midpoint of the ramus
- Small projection of bone (lingula)
- Passage for inferior dental nerve