Male external genitalia is consist of what?
penis and scrotum
It is the male reproductive organ
What are the three cylindrical masses of vascular erectile tissue that are bound together by fibrous tissue?
two corpora cavernosa - dorsal side
corpus spongiosum - ventral side.
hoodlike skin that you can see if the man has not been circumcised
foreskin or prepuce
It is a fold of the foreskin that extends ventrally from the urethral meatus
is a thin-walled sac that is suspended below the
pubic bone, posterior to the penis. This darkly pigmented structure contains sweat and sebaceous glands and consists of folds
of skin (rugae) and the cremaster muscle
what is the function of the scrotum?
- protective covering for the testes, epididymis, and vas deferens
- helps to maintain the cooler-than-body temperature necessary for production of sperm (less than 37°C).
a pair of ovoid-shaped organs, similar to the ovaries in the woman, that are approximately 3.7 to 5 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, and 2.5 cm deep
what is the function of testis
produce spermatozoa and male sex hormone testosterone
It contains blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, nerves, and the vas deferens (or ductus deferens), which transports spermatozoa away from the testis
Spermatic cord
it is a comma-shaped, coiled, tubular structure that curves up over the upper and posterior surface of the testis. This is where the spermatozoa mature
is a firm, muscular tube that is continuous with the lower portion of the epididymis. It provides passage for transporting sperm from the testes to the urethra for ejaculation.
vas deferens
protrusion of loops of bowel through weak areas of the musculature
is a tube-like structure (4–5 cm or
1.5–2 inches long in an adult) through which the vas deferens travels as it passes through the lower abdomen. This is where you can usually see hernias
Inguinal or groin area
is the final segment of the digestive system
anal canal
what are the two sphincters in the anus
The external sphincter is composed of skeletal muscle and is under voluntary control.
The internal sphincter is composed of
smooth muscle and is under involuntary control by the autonomic nervous system.
is approximately 2.5 to 4 cm in diameter, surrounding the neck of the bladder and urethra; it secretes a thin, milky substance that promotes sperm motility and neutralizes female acidic vaginal secretions
prostate gland
enlargement of the prostate gland that is common in men over the age of 40
Prostatic hyperlasia
These are rabbit-ear–shaped structures
that produce the ejaculate that nourishes and protects sperm. They are not normally palpable.
seminal vesicles
are mucus-producing, pea-sized organs located
posterior to the prostate gland. These glands surround and empty into the urethra. They are not normally palpable either.
Cowper’s gland / bulbourethral glands
usually happens in your abdomen or groin, when one of your organs pushes through the muscle or tissue that contains it.
what disease indicates heavy, dragging feeling in the scrotum?
testicular tumor or scrotal hernia
are collections of blood within the scrotal sac, but outside of the testis.
Scrotal hematocele
defined as the need for patients to get up at night on a regular basis to urinate.
Enlargement of the scrotum may indicate
hydrocele, hematocele, hernia, or cancer
blood in the urine
what is the indication of black stools?
gastrointestinal bleeding or the use of iron supplements or Pepto-Bismol.
red blood in stool
found with hemorrhoids, polyps, cancer, or colitis
a diagnostic test used to check the sigmoid colon, which is the lower part of your colon or large intestine.
a combination of colon and rectal cancer
colorectal cancer
what medications should you take for benign postatic hypertrophy with voiding symptoms
alpha-adrenergic blocker such as terazosin (Hytrin) or drugs that block testosterone production such as finasteride (Proscar)
what are the positions for anorectal examination
left lateral
what do you call when there’s Lice or nit (eggs) infestation at the base of the penis or pubic hair
pediculosis pubis or crabs
A whitish material that normally accumulates under the foreskin.
A tight foreskin that cannot be retracted in an uncircumcised Male is called
A foreskin that, once retracted, cannot be returned to cover the glans is called
displacement of the urinary meatus to the ventral surface of the penis.
displacement of the urinary meatus to the dorsal surface of the penis
A yellow discharge in the urinary meatus is usually associated with
the type of scrotal swelling that occurs when fluid collects in the thin sheath that surrounds the testicle
This is a buildup of blood between the layers of a sac that surrounds each testicle.
It occurs when abdominal tissue pushes through the lower abdominal wall into your groin.
Inguinal hernia
An idiopathic inflammatory disorder affecting the skin, joints, and mucous membranes.
Reiter’s syndrome
an undescended testicle, this also suggests absence of testis
alleviation of scrotal pain by lifting of the testicle and is suggestive of the diagnosis of acute epididymitis.
Prehn’s sign
is an enlargement of the veins within the loose bag of skin that holds the testicles (scrotum).
What examination will you perform if there is an abnormal mass in the scrotum during IA?
How do you do the transillumination?
Darken the room and shine a light from the back of the scrotum through the mass. Look for a red glow.
is a cystic accumulation of sperm that contains fluid typically arising from the head of the epididymis.
What is the difference between incarcerated hernia and strangulated hernia?
The protruding tissue such as portion of intestines become trapped within the hernia sac. While the SH the blood supply to the trapped tissue is blocked or completely cut off
What is valsalva maneuver
an effort to exhale without letting air escape through the nose or mouth. People often use a Valsalva maneuver during some common activities, such as straining to have a bowel movement or blowing a stuffy nose.
If the rectum drops out of its normal place within the body and pushes out of the anal opening
Rectal prolapse
A peritoneal protrusion into the rectum,
Rectal shelf
A swollen, tender prostate may indicate
Acute prostatis
What is the indication of
: black stool
: gray or tan
: yellow
: blood
- upper gastrointestinal bleeding
- lack of bile pigment
- steatorrhea (increased fat content)
- cancer of the rectum or colon
A sign of primary syphilis (a sexually transmitted infection [STI]) that spontaneously regresses. May be misdiagnosed as herpes.
Clusters of pimple-like, clear vesicles that erupt and become ulcers.
Single or multiple, moist, fleshy papules. • Painless, STI caused by the human papillomavirus.
Genital warts
Foreskin is so tight that, once retracted, it cannot be returned back over the glans.
Appears as hardened nodule or ulcer on the glans. Occurs primarily in uncircumcised men.
Urethral meatus is located underneath the glans (ventral side). This condition is a congenital defect. A groove extends from the meatus to the normal location of the urethral meatus.
Foreskin is so tight that it cannot be retracted over the glans.
urethral meatus is located on the top of the glans (dorsal side); occurs rarely. This condition is a congenital defect.
Collection of serous fluid in the scrotum, outside the testes within the tunica vaginalis.
if there is blood in the scrotum, it will not transilluminate and is called a
Initially a small, firm, nontender nodule on the testis.
Testicular tumor
A loop of bowel protrudes into the scrotum to create what is known as an indirect inguinal hernia.
Scrotal hernia
Failure of one or both testicles to descend into scrotum. Scrotum appears undeveloped and testis cannot be palpated. Causes increased risk of testicular cancer.
Infection of the epididymis. Client usually complains of sudden pain. Scrotum appears enlarged, reddened, and swollen; tender epididymis is palpated. Usually associated with prostatitis or bacterial infection.
Inflammation of the testes, associated frequently with mumps
Abnormal dilation of veins in the spermatic cord. Client may complain of discomfort and testicular heaviness. Tortuous veins are palpable and feel like a soft, irregular
mass or “a bag of worms,” which collapses when the client is supine. Infertility may be associated with this condition.
Very painful condition caused by twisting of spermatic cord.
Sperm-filled cystic mass located on epididymis.
Bowel herniates through internal inguinal ring and remains in the inguinal canal or travels down into the scrotum (scrotal hernia). This is the most common type of hernia, It may occur in adults but is more frequent in children.
It is less common, mostly occur in men older than 40 tears old. Bowel herniates from behind and through the external
inguinal ring. It rarely travels down into the scrotum.
Bowel herniates through the femoral ring and canal. It never travels into the scrotum, and the inguinal canal is
empty. This is the least common type of hernia. It occurs mostly in women
Femoral Hernia
is a cavity of pus, caused by infection in the skin around the anal opening. It causes throbbing pain and is red, swollen, hard, and tender.
Perianal Abscess
These splits in the tissue of the anal canal are caused by trauma. A swollen skin tag (“sentinel tag”) is often present below the fissure on the anal margin. They cause intense pain, itching, and bleeding.
Anal Fissure
This occurs when the mucosa of the rectum protrudes out through the anal opening. It may involve only the mucosa
or the mucosa and the rectal wall
rectal Prolapse
This congenital disorder is characterized by a small dimple or cyst/sinus that contains hair. It is located midline in the
sacrococcygeal area and has a palpable sinus tract.
Pilonidal cyst
These soft structures are rather common and occur in varying sizes and numbers. There are two types: pedunculated
(on a stalk) and sessile (on the mucosal surface).
rectal Polyps
a is usually asymptomatic until it is quite
advanced. may feel like a firm nodule, an ulcerated nodule with rolled edges, or, as it grows, a large, irregularly shaped, fixed, hard nodule.
rectal Cancer
The prostate is swollen, tender, firm, and warm to the touch, caused by bacterial infection
Acute prostatitis
The prostate is enlarged, smooth, firm, and slightly elastic. The median sulcus may not be palpable. It is common in men older than 50 years.
A hard area on the prostate or hard, fixed, irregular nodules on the prostate
Cancer of the prostate