Malattia parodontale in gravidanza Flashcards
Is there a role for oral health improvement in the prevention of premature deliveries ?
- during pregnancy oral health can be affected by hormonal and immunologic factors, leading to the onset or aggravation of dental, periodontal and potentially other oral diseases
- conflicting findings regarding epidemiologic and ethiopathogenic associations between periodontal disease and poor pregnancy outcomes have been published
What is the etiopathogenesis for periodontal disease in pregnancy?
- modification of periodontal biofilms with shift to gram-negative organisms
- reduced neutrophil response to gingival bacteria
- hormonal pro-inflammatory effects
Is there any relationship between maternal periodontal disease and poor obstetric outcomes?
data from clinical trials suggest that periodontal disease may increase the adverse pregnancy outcomes (PTB, LBW, PE, pPROM)
Che ruolo ha il basso peso alla nascita (LBW)?
- rappresenta uno dei maggiori determinanti della mortalità e morbilità in epoca neonatale e dello sviluppo psicomotorio in età infantile
- può essere dovuto a parto prematuro o a ritardato accrescimento intrauterino (IUGR)
Pathogenic mechanisms linking periodontal diseases with adverse pregnancy outcomes.
- periodontal pathogens may disseminate toward placental and fetal tissues
- inflammatory reactions within the placental tissues of the pregnant woman may occur and levels of PGE 2, TNF-α , PCR, IgM in the amniotic fluid may increase
- periodontal bacteria can directly cause infections both of the uteroplacenta and the fetus;
- systemic inflammatory changes induced by periodontal diseases can activate responses at the maternal-fetal interface.
Strategie preventive nella gravida
● Visita odontoiatrica entro il 3°mese
● Rimozione professionale irritanti locali
● Istruzioni all’igiene orale domiciliare con tecniche opportune
● Verifica dell’ottenimento di adeguati standard igienici
Qual è la finestra utile per l’igiene professionale dentale in gravidanza?
Tutta la gravidanza
Qual è la finestra utile per i trattamenti odontoiatrici operativi in gravidanza?
Tra l’inizio del II trimestre e metà del III.