Lymphatic System Flashcards
What is lymphatic vessels
Network of vessels and capillaries
What are the three parts of the lymphatic system
Lymphatic vessels, lymph fluid and lymph tissues
What is lymph fluid
Fluid in vessels (+ lymphocytes, proteins)
What is lymph tissue
Nodes, spleen, thymus, tonsils and malt
What are the functions of the lymphatic system
Returns leaked fluid to blood vessels, defence of bodies
Describe the lymphatic vessels
One way flow of fluid, vessels have valves. Lymph flows toward heart. Vessels merge to form thoracic duct which empties into vena cava
Describe lymph formation
Plasma, interstital fluid, lymph
Describe the lymphatic capillaries
Microscopic blind ended, highly permeable: picks up pathogens and cancerous cells as well as plasma proteins: role of lymph nodes. Mini valves which open when interstitial osmotic pressure is greater than lymphatic. Blind ended tubes in which adjacent endothelial cells overlap each other forming flap like minivalves.
What are lacteals
SpecialiZed lymph capillaries present in intestinal mucosa - absorb digested fat and deliver fatty lymph (chyle) to the blood
What are lymphoid tissues
Place for lymphocytes (B+T cells) to live and patrol for pathogen. Composed mainly of loosely connective tissues ( reticular connective tissues ).
How is lymphoid tissue dispersed
In organs. Diffused or found in clusters (nodules). Peyers patches in wall of ileum.
What are large nodules
Lymph nodes
What are lymph nodes
Principal lymphoid organs of body, in clusters along the lymphatic vessels.
What are the defence functions of lymph nodes
Filter lymph - macrophages destroy pathogens and prevent them from entering blood.
Activate immune system: B cells and T cells lymphocytes attack pathogens or infected cells
Describe the spleen
Largest lymphoid organ, also has a hematologic function