Chapter 10 - Dental Flashcards
What is a quadrant
The left or right half of each dental arch
What is a dental arch
The complete arched arrangement of upper or lower teeth. Also known as the dental arcade
What are incisor teeth
The most rostral group of teeth
What are canine teeth
The teeth located just lateral to the incisor teeth
What are pre-molar teeth
The rostral cheek Teeth
What are molar teeth
The caudal cheek teeth
What is a crown
The exposed part of a tooth above the gumline
What is a root
The hidden part of a tooth below the gum line
What is a Coronal
Toward the crown of the tooth
What is apical
Toward the tip of the root of the tooth
What is gingival
Toward the gingiva a.k.a. gum
What is furcation
The area where the roots of a multi rooted tooth join the crown
What is mesial
For canine, premolar, molar teeth, the surface or edge facing the rostral end of the mouth. For the incisor teeth, the surface or edge facing towards the center a.k.a. midline
What is distal
For canine, premolar, molar teeth the surface or edge facing toward the caudal end of the mouth. For the incisor teeth, the surface or edge farthest from the center a.k.a. midline
What is buccal
Surface of a tooth facing the cheeks