Luxations Flashcards
what can stifle luxation involve?
cranial cruciate ligament
caudal cruciate ligament
medial collateral ligament
lateral collateral ligament
what can cause a medial shoulder luxation?
some breeds have congenital shoulder luxation
how can you surgically stabilize a medial shoulder luxation?
medial transfer of biceps brachii tendon
what would indicate the medial collateral is disrupted in a lateral elbow luxation?
antebrachium can be supinated to 140 degrees
what is the most common luxation in dogs and cats?
coxofemoral luxation
what is the primary stabilizer of the coxofemoral joint?
joint capsule
what are the contraindications to a closed reduction of a coxofemoral luxation?
hip dysplasia
acetabular or femoral fracture
what sling is used for coxofemoral luxation?
modified ehmer sling
when should an open reduction of a coxofemoral luxation be performed?
luxated head does not seat well in acetabulum
hip has reluxated after closed reduction
hip has been chronically luxated
fractures are present
what are the indications for extra-capsular prosthesis for coxofemoral luxation?
nonrepairable capsule tears
persistennt instability
what do repair methods of a stifle luxation include?
primary ligamentous repair
screw and washer fixation
prosthetic ligament
what does varus instability in stifle luxation repair indicate?
lateral collateral ligament laxity
what can cause medial shoulder luxation?
congenital: small and toy breeds
how can you identify a medial shoulder luxation on physical exam?
greater tubercle palpated medial to normal position
limb carried in flexion with foot rotated outward
what is conservative management of a medial shoulder luxation?
reduction and placement in velpeau sling for 2-3 weeks