Lungs Flashcards
Pulmonary cavities.
cervical (superior portion continuation of the costal and mediastinal pleurae, confluence with pretrachea, very thin), costal (separated form rib cage by endothoracic fascia), mediastinal (covers lateral boundaries of mediastinum, “potential space,” very malleable with pressure changes), diaphragmatic (covers the superior surface of diaphragm, except the anterior innermost portion which fuses with the pericardium, thickens at base of the lungs), phrenicopleural fascia (part of the endothoracic fascia connecting the diaphragmatic pleura to the diaphragm)
Where is the negative vacuum pressure of the lungs?
in the pleural cavity (space between visceral and parietal pleura)
Visceral pleura
closely related to lung surface, sensitive to stretch (pulmonary plexus) but insensitive to touch and pain
Parietal pleura
outermost to lungs but innermost to the chest walls surface, afferent fibers (deep touch, pressure, temp and pain) carried by intercostal (T1-T11) and phrenic nn’s, not sensitive to stretching
Would pneumothorax increase or decrease BP?
The _____________ groove deepens into a diverticulum ventrally which enlarges distally into a lung bud.
The primary bronchi subsequently divide into secondary bronchi and then into the tertiary bronchi by which week?
By week __, they divide another 14-16 times and the respiratory bronchioles have developed.
Synthesis of surfactant begins.
Lobes of right lung.
inferior, middle, superior
Lobes of left lung.
superior and inferior
Branching of bronchial tree.
trachea–>primary bronchi–>secondary bronchi–>tertiary bronchi–>bronchioles–>terminal bronchioles
constantly develop until 8 y/o, contain 300 million sacs, alveolar sac is formed from 2-3 alveoli, starts thick and ends thin because of the blood-air barrier, any gas or drug can diffuse through your lungs and impact your blood, but the diffusion rate is very slow
pneumocytes type 1 cells
form the wall of the alveoli
alveolar type 2 cells
septal cells, create surfactant
Pulmonary Arteries and Veins
All vessels are coming from aorta; All veins are tributaries to superior vena cava
Bronchial Arteries and Veins
Bronchial veins drain into the azygos system
Pulmonary Plexus
Sympathetics fibers dilate bronchi (inhibitory to bronchial mm.’s) and alveolar sacs, vasoconstrictors of pulmonary vessels; Parasympathetic fibers are bronco-constrictors (motor to bronchial mm.’s) and secretomotor to alveolar sacs; also vasodilators of pulmonary vessels