Deep Neck Muscles Flashcards
O: Rectus Capitis Anterior
anterior surface of the lateral mass of the atlas and its transverse process
I: Rectus Capitis Anterior
inferior surface of the basilar part of the occipital bone
A: Rectus Capitis Anterior
flexes the head and helps stabilize the AO joint
N: Rectus Capitis Anterior
anterior rami of C1 and C2
B: Rectus Capitis Anterior
muscular branches of aorta
O: Rectus Capitis Lateralis
superior surface of the transverse process of the atlas
I: Rectus Capitis Lateralis
inferior surface fo the jugular process of the occipital bone
A: Rectus Capitis Lateralis
bends the head laterally to the same side
N: Rectus Capitis Lateralis
anterior rami of C1 and C2
B: Rectus Capitis Lateralis
muscular branches of aorta
A: Cricothyroid
laryngeal tensor muscle, allows you to raise your voice
N: Cricothyroid
superior laryngeal nerve (terminal branch of Vagus CN X)
Laryngeal Relaxers
thyroarytenoids, vocalis
Laryngeal Abductors
posterior cricoarytenoid
Laryngeal Adductors
obliques aryepiglottic, transverse and lateral arytenoids
Posterior division of inferior laryngeal nerve innervates?
obliques arytenoid, transverse arytenoid, posterior cricoarytenoid
Anterior division of inferior laryngeal nerve innervates?
aryepiglottic, thyroepiglottic, thyroarytenoids, lateral cricoarytenoid, vocalis
Muscles of Pharynx: External Layer
superior, middle, and inferior constrictor muscles
Muscles of Pharynx: Internal Layer
levator veli palatini, stylopharyngeus, salpingopharyngeus, palatopharyngeus
O: Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor
pterygoid hamulus of sphenoid bone, pterygomandibular raphe, mylohyoid line of mandible, side of tongue
I: Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor
pharyngobasilar fascia and the midline raphe, posterior midline pharyngeal raphe
A: Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor
sphincters of the pharynx and induce peristaltic waves during swallowing
N: Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor
motor fibers - pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve; sensory - glossopharyngeal nerve and some trigeminal nerve fibers
B: Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor
ascending pharyngeal artery
O: Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor
greater and lesser horn of hyoid bone
I: Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor
posterior midline pharyngeal raphe
A: Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor
sphincters of the pharynx and induce peristaltic waves during swallowing
N: Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor
motor fibers - pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve; sensory - glossopharyngeal nerve and some trigeminal nerve fibers
B: Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor
ascending pharyngeal artery
O: Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor
oblique line on the lamina of thyroid cartilage, side of the cricoid cartilage
I: Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor
posterior midline pharyngeal raphe
A: Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor
sphincters of the pharynx and induce peristaltic waves during swallowing
N: Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor
motor fibers - pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve; sensory - glossopharyngeal nerve and some trigeminal nerve fibers; cricopharyngeus - recurrent laryngeal branch of vagus
B: Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor
ascending pharyngeal artery
O: Levator Veli Palatini
inferior surface of temporal bone; cartilaginous part of auditory tube
I: Levator Veli Palatini
upper surface of palatine aponeurosis
A: Levator Veli Palatini
elevates the soft palate
N: Levator Veli Palatini
pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
B: Levator Veli Palatini
facial artery
O: Stylopharyngeus
medial side of base of styloid process
I: Stylopharyngeus
lateral wall of pharynx between the superior and middle constrictors
A: Stylopharyngeus
elevates the lateral wall of the pharynx during swallowing and speech
N: Stylopharyngeus
glossopharyngeal nerve
B: Stylopharyngeus
ascending pharyngeal artery
O: Salpingopharyngeus
inferior part of the cartilage of the auditory tube
I: Salpingopharyngeus
blends with the palatopharyngeus on the lateral wall of the pharynx
A: Salpingopharyngeus
raises upper lateral wall of the pharynx
N: Salpingopharyngeus
pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
B: Salpingopharyngeus
facial artery
O: Palatopharyngeus
posterior border of the hard palate; palatine aponeurosis
I: Palatopharyngeus
posterior border of thyroid cartilage; lateral wall of pharynx
A: Palatopharyngeus
pulls the pharynx upward during swallowing
N: Palatopharyngeus
pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
B: Palatopharyngeus
facial artery
Only pharyngeal muscle NOT innervated by Vagus Nerve?
stylopharyngeus (CN IX)