Face Muscles Flashcards
O: Occipitofrontalis
occipital belly - lateral 2/3 of superior nuchal line on occipital bone and mastoid part of temporal bone; frontal belly - fibers continuous with those of procerus medially and orbicularis oculi laterally
I: Occipitofrontalis
galea aponeurotica
A: Occipitofrontalis
draws scalp back, raises eye brows and wrinkles forehead in expression of surprise
N: Occipitofrontalis
occipital belly - posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve (VII); frontal belly - temporal branch of the facial nerve (VII)
B: Occipitofrontalis
occipital artery
O: Depressor Anguli Oris
from oblique line of the mandible, lateral and below depressor labii inferioris
I: Depressor Anguli Oris
into the angle of the mouth blending with orbicularis oris and risorius
A: Depressor Anguli Oris
draws angle of mouth down and laterally as in expression of sadness
N: Depressor Anguli Oris
mandibular branch of facial nerve (VII)
B: Depressor Anguli Oris
facial artery
O: Levator Labii Superioris
along lower part of orbit from maxilla and zygomatic bones
I: Levator Labii Superioris
upper lip between levators anguli oris and labii superioris alaeque nasi
A: Levator Labii Superioris
raises the upper lip and carries it forward
N: Levator Labii Superioris
buccal branch of facial nerve (VII)
B: Levator Labii Superioris
facial artery
O: Zygomaticus Major
from the zygomatic bone in front of the zygomaticotemporal suture
I: Zygomaticus Major
into angle of mouth with levator and depressor anguli oris and orbicularis oris muscles
A: Zygomaticus Major
draws the angle of the mouth upward and backward as in laughing
N: Zygomaticus Major
buccal branch of facial nerve (VII)
B: Zygomaticus Major
facial artery
O: Zygomaticus Minor
lateral surface of the zygomatic bone
I: Zygomaticus Minor
upper lip between levator labii superioris and zygomaticus major
A: Zygomaticus Minor
elevates the upper lip and helps form the nasolabial furrow
N: Zygomaticus Minor
buccal branch of the facial nerve (VII)
B: Zygomaticus Minor
facial artery
O: Orbicularis Oris
fibers derived from other facial muscles (buccinator, levators, and depressors of lips and angles, zygomatic muscles) pass into lips; also some intrinsic muscle fibers make up orbicularis oris
I: Orbicularis Oris
several strata of muscle fibers form a sphincter-like muscle with fibers that decussate at the angles of the mouth
A: Orbicularis Oris
closes the lips; and its deep fibers can press the lips against the teeth, also it protrudes the lips and is important in speech
N: Orbicularis Oris
buccal branch of the facial nerve (VII)
B: Orbicularis Oris
facial artery
O: Buccinator
alveolar processes of mandible and maxilla opposite upper and lower molar teeth; posteriorly, it arises from the pterygomandibular raphe opposite superior constrictor
I: Buccinator
fibers course forward to blend into the formation of the orbicularis oris, decussating at the angles of the mouth
A: Buccinator
compresses the cheeks during chewing, also compresses the distended cheeks as in blowing a horn(!)
N: Buccinator
buccal branch of the facial nerve (VII)
B: Buccinator
facial artery
O: Orbicularis Oculi
medial palpebral ligament, nasal part of the frontal bone; frontal process of maxilla
I: Orbicularis Oculi
cross the eyelids and interlace to form the lateral palpebral raphe, froms ellipse around orbit without being interrupted on the lateral side
A: Orbicularis Oculi
closes the eyelids gently as in sleeping and blinking, closes the eyelids when a more forceful contraction is necessary as in winking one eye
N: Orbicularis Oculi
temporal and zygomatic branches of the facial nerve (VII)
B: Orbicularis Oculi
opthalmic artery
O: Levator Palpebrae Superioris
inferior aspect of lesser wing of sphenoid bone
I: Levator Palpebrae Superioris
medial and lateral walls of the orbit, superior tarsus
A: Levator Palpebrae Superioris
elevates the eyelid
N: Levator Palpebrae Superioris
occulomotor nerve (III)
B: Levator Palpebrae Superioris
branches of opthalmic artery
O: Superior Rectus
common annular tendon (which comes off the body and lesser wing of sphenoid), margins of the optic canal
I: Superior Rectus
posterior to the sclerocorneal junction (each muscle inserting along its own directional axis)
A: Superior Rectus
elevates, medially rotates, adducts the eye
N: Superior Rectus
occulomotor nerve (III)
B: Superior Rectus
branches of opthalmic artery
O: Inferior Rectus
common annular tendon (which comes off the body and lesser wing of sphenoid), margins of the optic canal
I: Inferior Rectus
posterior to the sclerocorneal junction (each muscle inserting along its own directional axis)
A: Inferior Rectus
depress, laterally rotates, adducts the eye
N: Inferior Rectus
occulomotor nerve (III)
B: Inferior Rectus
branches of opthalmic artery
O: Medial Rectus
common annular tendon (which comes off the body and lesser wing of sphenoid), margins of the optic canal
I: Medial Rectus
posterior to the sclerocorneal junction (each muscle inserting along its own directional axis)
A: Medial Rectus
adducts eye
N: Medial Rectus
occulomotor nerve (III)
B: Medial Rectus
branches of opthalmic artery
O: Lateral Rectus
common annular tendon (which comes off the body and lesser wing of sphenoid), margins of the optic canal
I: Lateral Rectus
posterior to the sclerocorneal junction (each muscle inserting along its own directional axis)
A: Lateral Rectus
abducts eye
N: Lateral Rectus
abducens nerve (VI)
B: Lateral Rectus
branches of opthalmic artery
O: Superior Oblique
body of sphenoid
I: Superior Oblique
upper lateral quadrant of the posterior half of the sclera (via the trochlea, as a pulley)
A: Superior Oblique
depress, medially rotates, abducts the eye
N: Superior Oblique
trochlear nerve (IV)
B: Superior Oblique
branches of opthalmic artery
O: Inferior Oblique
orbital surface of maxilla
I: Inferior Oblique
lower lateral quadrant of the posterior half of the sclera (via the suspensory ligament, as a pulley)
A: Inferior Oblique
elevates, laterally rotates, abducts the eye
N: Inferior Oblique
occulomotor nerve (III)
B: Inferior Oblique
branches of opthalmic artery