Lecture 5 Flashcards
What accounts for more cells in the cerebellum than the cerebrum?
folia, higher density, smaller cells
Three lobes of the cerebellum?
anterior, posterior, flocculonodular
First lobe formed during development in the cerebellum.
flocculonodular, in between anterior (formed 2nd) and posterior (formed 3rd)
Deep Cerebellar Nuclei
3 sets within deep white matter; fastigial, globose and emboliform (interposed), dentate
Fastigial Nucleus
associated with vermal zone, oldest portion, closest to the midline, medial descending systems–>motor execution
Globose and Emboliform (Interposed) Nuclei
associated with paravermal zone, lateral descending systems–>motor execution
Dentate Nucleus
newest portion and most important, controls coordination, associated with the lateral physiologic zone
Vermal Zone
vestibulocerebellum, controls balance and equilibrium, midline
Paravermal Zone
spinocerebellum; gets a huge amount of proprioceptive input from the body; length, tightness, movement of muscles; surrounding vermal
Lateral Zone
neocerebellum, gets its information from the neocortex; comparator system, compares information from cortex to information from the body about movement, sends out corrective signals; lateral to paravermal zone
What occurs when a patient has a neocerebellar tumor?
movements will be jerky (ataxia), can’t send out corrective signals
Pt will have a problem of conjugate eye movement which may originate in the cerebellum
Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle
smallest, contains the Dorsal Spinocerebellar tract - carrying sensory information from muscle spindles, GTO (all proprioceptive info), “what you are actually doing”, contains the Cuneocerebellar tract - information from the neck region, where your head goes your body will follow
Middle Cerebellar Peduncle
laterally from pons and largest of all the peduncles, contains Corticopontocerebellar tract - carries the motor “plan” (what you want to do)
Superior Cerebellar Peduncle
Ventral and Rostral Spinocerebellar Tract - carrying proprioceptive information; Dentorubral and Dentothalamic tracts - output information from deep cerebellar nuclei to red nucleus and eventually thalamus
Juxtarestiform Body
olivocerebellar tract
Morphological Organization of the Cerebellum
Molecular Layer - relatively cell free; Purkinje Cell Layer - one cell layer thick (very large cells); Granule Cell Layer - looks grainy because the cells are densely packed