Lower Urinary Tract Pathology: Handorf Flashcards
What is a cystocele?
Falling of bladder out of urethra
When is vesicoureteral reflux a problem?
Acute angle of ureter and valve into bladder prevents gravity from making pee go into bladder and not back into kidneys. Acute angle makes full bladder clamp off ureter.
Malformation can be errors.
What is the most common cause of LUTI?
Colonic bacteria
BOARDS: What is Malakoplakia?
Histiocyte disorder.
Cannot clear infections.
BOARDS: What is the microscopic feature of malakoplakia?
Michaelis-Newton body: Dense target like inclusions in cytoplasm of histiocytes
BOARDS: What does malakoplakia look like grossly?
Cancer… knobby protrusions
What is interstitial cystitis?
Persistent, chronic cystitis of interstitial of bladder
Intermittent severe suprapubic pain, frequesncy, urgency, blood, etc…
What are the histologic features of interstitial cystitis?
Inflammation and fibrosis
All layers of bladder wall
Mucosal ulcers: Hunner ulcers
What is the etiology of interstitial cystitis?
Unknown… autoimmune?
What is cystitis glandular is associated with?
Long recurrent infection
Adenocarcinoma of bladder
What is cystitis glandular is?
Chronic formation of glands in bladder after persistent inflammation= metaplasia
Buzzword for bladder cancer?
What percent of people who smoke have urothelial dysplasia? bladder cancer?
Dysplasia: 100%
Cancer: 20%
What is notable about the distributions of cancer in the bladder?
Often multifocal
What two ways do bladder cancers usually grow?