Lower extremity block Flashcards
The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric n. arise from where?
The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric n. inervate what
Abdominal muscles and skin of the inquinial and pubic area
Where does the latereal femoral cutaneous n. arise?
L2 and L3
what does the lateral femoral cutaneous n. innervate
Sensations of the anterolateral thigh
where does the Femoral n. arise from?
what does the Femoral n. innervate
Innervates the iliacus, hip flexors, and knee extensors of the thigh
Where does the obturator n. arise
What does the obturator n. Innervate
The medial thigh
The sciatic originates from the ________ trunk
The sciatic arises from the lumbar sacral trunk composed of what nerve roots
L4-5 and S1-S3
the sciatic provides all sensory innervation to the lower extremity except along the anteriomedial aspect which is covered by what nerve
Saphenous n.
There are 2 major nerves supply the leg what are they
Just below the knee the femoral nerve continues into the leg as the ____ _nerve
In the proximity of the knee, the sciatic n. bifurcates into what?
common peroneal n.
tibial n.
the common peroneal nerve further bifurcates into what
superficial peroneal n.
Deep peroneal n.
the tibial n. gives rise to what nerve, just about at the middle of the leg
sural n.
What are the 5 nerves blocked for an ankle block
Posterior tibial Sural Saphenous Deep peroneal Superficial peroneal