Liver lesions Flashcards
What are the different benign liver lesions
- Haemangioma
- Adenoma
- Infectious: Pyogenic, Amoebic, Hydatid
What are the different malignant liver lesions
- Heatocellular carcinoma
- Colorectal
- Others: intra-abdominal and extra-abdominal malignancies
Explain the presentation of infective benign lesions of the liver
- Ill looking, Sweating, Tachycardic, Hypotension
- Spreads from gastro-intestinal tract, haematogenously, biliary spread, abcesses in the git, idiopathic
- Examination: Look sick, may be able to palpate abscess
- FBC, U&E, CRP, CT scan
- Finding: Pseudocapsule, can have subtations
- Management: ICU - broadspectrum antibiotic, aspiration (look for organisms)
- Dont feel great, Some RUQ pain
- Spreads from stagnant water sources
- Examination:
- Findings: Halo signs,
- Treatment: Metronidazole 10days (tastes like lead, warn patient)
- Wont know why coming into hospital, feel quite well
- Spread usually from sheep
- Normal clinical exam
- Findings: Water lily signs, Daughter cysts
- Treatment: Albendazole (Causes bone marrow suppression, should always be <4), drain the lesions (LAIR),
Explain the non-infective cysts
Simple cysts
Polycystic liver disease - normal liver function despite liver being overtaken by cysts
- Most commonly present with pain if not asymptomatic: Do not operate, will relieve on their own
Explain haemangiomas
Most common lesionof the liver
Not pathological
Most accidental finding
Clinically symptomtic:
- Rupture and bleed: Very rare - Resuscitation
- Thrombocytopenia: Casebach something
They dont cause pain
Imaging: They are vascular
Explain adenomas
Very common in women associated with oral estrogen contraceptives
Rare in men associated with anabolic steroid use
Women: Change contraceptive and adenoma will dissapear, if not they have to be excised
Man: Adenomas have to be excised
Explain hepatocelluar carcinoma
Only cancer that does not need a histological report
Need classical imaging features (hypervascular in arterial phase and washed out in delayed phase) + AFP (apha feto protein) >400
Management: have to look at following 3 categories to determine
- Look at tumour staging
- Liver function: child peu score in cirrhosis patients:
- Ecog score
When to biopsy liver tumour
Never - you are making a hole in the liver and that could lead to seeding of the tumour