Bowel obstruction after neonatal period Flashcards
What are the causes of bowel obstruction after the neonatal period
- Intussusception
- Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
- Malrotation and volvulus
- Post-operative adhesions
- Strangulated/incarcerated inguinal and umbilical hernias
What is the presentation of a patient with malrotation with a midgut volvulus
Sudden onset of blood pr
Bilious vomiting
Abdominal distention
- In a previously healthy baby
What is the surgical treatment of a volvulus
Cut Ladd’s bands
Broaden mesentary
What ar ethe long term complications of a volvulus
Recurrent volvulus
Short bowel syndrome
Adhesive bowel obstruction
What is Intussusception and which age and area in the body does it mostly affect
It is an invagination of one part of the intestine into another. Most common cause of haematochezia
Affects mostly ilio-colic, can also be ileo-ilial, colo-colic
Ages 3-18months: 5months peak
Explain the pathophysiology of Intussusception
Caused by a lead point which is pulled into the lumen by peristalsis
Age3-9 months: Lead point mostly enlarged bowel lymphoid tissue following viral infection
Older than 9months: Lead points - Meckel’s diverticulum, polyops, lymphoma, worms
What are symptoms of Intussusception
A well fed baby with recent history of upper respiratory tract or gastro-entiritis
Bloody, slimy stool
Signs of bowel obstruction: Vomiting, abdominat distention
Intussusception might protrude through anus mimicking rectal prolapse
What are the special investigations for Intussusception
Plain abdominal x-ray
What is the management of Intussusception
Nil per os
Nasogastric tube, IV fluids (rehydratiuon and maintenance
Pneumatic reduction:
- Child fully resuscitated
- Abdomen without peritonitis
- No free air on AXR
- If pneumatic reduction contraindicated or failed
- Intraoperatively: Trial of manual reduction
- If reduction fails: Resection
What is Meckel’s diverticulum
It is t5he most common vitiline duct abnormality: Omphalomesenteric duct or yolk stalk
What are the complications of Meckel’s diverticulum and how is it treated
Bowel obstruction
Treated by surgical excision
How is Meckel’s diverticulum diagnosed
Technetium 99m scan