Liste des phrasal verbs et verbes prépositionnels fréquents dans la langue journalistique Flashcards
to abide by
respecter, se soumettre à qqch
Americans hâve agreed to abide by a body of international law
to account for
expliquer, rendre compte de
He hasn’t accounted for that material.
adultery accounted for 27 per cent of ail divorces
to act
act on:
prendre des mesures utiles pour
The time to act on that chance has now arrived, with the start of the German EU presidency
act up:
mal se comporter
Tennis players who act up on the court are behaving more like spoiled bratï than intense competitors
en faire davantage, remplacer temporairement un supérieur
Sir Ronnie’s deputy Colin Cramphorn has been asked to act up until a new chief constable is chosen, probably in June. BBC News
to add up to
avoir pour résultat cumulé
setter quality quickly added up to 100,000 lives saved in this area alone.
to adhere to
se conformer à
Sir Man Sugar adhered to his basic rules of business life
to agree
agree on: se mettre d’accord sur
The verdict that they eventually agreed on is a subtle and crédible one
agree to: donner son consentement
the judge agreed to the deletion of sensitive information in the documents
agree with: être d’accord (avec qqun ou qqch)
Whether they agreed with him or not, everyone knew where Reagan stood
to aim at sth/doing
avoir pour objectif de faire qqch
Iranian and US officiais held the flrst meeting of a committee aimed at improving coopération on stabilizing Iraq
to allow for
prendre en considération
the alcohol screening scheme allowed for earlier intervention to tackle potential problems
that allowed for a maximum sentence of 60 years.
to amount to
revenir à, équivaloir à
many drivers complained that the congestion fées amounted to an assault on the middle class
to answer
answer for:
répondre de
Margaret O’Kane said the hospitals had a lot to answer for
answer to:
répondre de qqch devant qqun, être sous l’autorité de
The council’s president, Bill Kane, called Mr Corzine a man who “answers to no one but himself”
to apply for
être candidat à
MrSeddon was one of more than 40 people who had applied for the nomination to succeed the late Sir Ray Powell as MP for the safe Labour seat.
to argue for/against
fournir des arguments pour/contre
have argued for urgent action.
to ascribe sth to sth
attribuer/imputer qqch à qqch
Some of the increase, he says, can be ascribed to rising real incomes.
to back
back away from:
prendre ses distances avec
Aides to Ashcroft, said he has not backed away from his pledges to uphold current laws without regard to his personal view
back down:
céder, renoncer à
The Home Secretary yesterday backed iown on enforcing wide-ranging powers for snooping on internet traffic.
back off from:
renoncer à
The government has already backed off from a plan
back out of :
se retirer de
An earlier settlement worth up to $30m had been announced in March, but the Boston archdiocese backed out of that deal in May.
back up:
soutenir (qqch ou qqch)
The Iraqi military is “going to need aviation support, tanks - and be backed up by US military units”
to bail
bail out:
“Président Bush défends Fed’s décision to bail out AIG.” The Guardiam
bail out of:
se retirer de, renoncer a
A congressional report criticized the FBI for refusing to bail out of a failing and costly computerized case-management System.
to ba(u)lk at
rechigner à
Countries such as France and Germany hâve baulked atthe idea of contributing directly in the absence of a greater UN rôle in reconstruction.
to bank on
compter/parier sur
Cuba’s enemies in the United States had banked on the collapse of its socialist system. The Washington Post
to bear
bear out:
Early financial results from e-commerce companies bear out the trend.
bear with:
se montrer patient avec
Mr Madoka asked them to bear with the govemment
to bill sth as
présenter qqch comme
Mr Chévez has billed the accords as an “axis of unity”against the US, which he termsthe”empire”,
to blow
blow over:
passer, être oublié
The Vatican believes that over time this whole scandal will blow over. The Times
blow up:
éclater, exploser
The controversy blew up last autumn
to be/get bogged down in/into
être enlisé/s’enliser dans
Tillman was killed just as the US military was becoming increasingly bogged down in Iraq
to boil down to
se résumer à
As always, it boils down to a question of land: Israël taking Palestinian land to ensure its security. BBC News
to border on
In the face of political and économie turmoil at home and a situation j bordering on chaos in several of Portugal remaining colonies, Président Francisco da Costa Gomes was finally J forced to a décision that he had hoped to avoid.
to bow
bow out of :
se retirer de
The French socialist leader, Lionel Jospin, bowed out of politics after losmg his place in the race for the presidency.
bow to:
s’incliner devant
The chain-smoking Queen Margrethe of Denmark, hasbowedto public opinion and decided to stop smoking in public.
to bounce back
Giuliani bounced back as: the debate tumed to his strongest topic
to branch out into
étendre ses activités dans
The company, which is branching out into new areas following its flotation last year, has launched a test version of Google Video
to break
break down: échouer
As talks broke down, Democrats were cautiously optimistic that they might beat the rule change outright by attracting at least six Republicans to vote against it.
break in: percer
Disney is one of the few new figurine makers that has managed to break into the market in a big way
break off: rompre
Russia is threatening to break off diplomatie relations with Estonia in the escalating row over the “blasphemous” removal of the Red Army mémorial in the centre of Tallinn.
break through: surmonter
Curie, then 40 and a widow, decided to break through préjudices that did not allow girls to take the baccalauréat.
break up: prendre fin
as the beleaguered Government called on its supporters to help fight invading rebels after peace talks broke up in confusion. The New York Times
break up into: se diviser
The internet could one day be broken up into separate networks around the j world, a leading light in the development of the net has warned. BBC News
to bring
bring about: apporter, produire
bring (a)round to: convaincre
bring back: réinstaurer
bring down: faire baisser
bring forth: provoquer, donner naissance à
bring forward: proposer, avancer
bring in:
introduire, faire intervenir
bring on: déclencher
bring up: mentionner, évoquer
to broaden out
But Martin Stephen added, he would like the scheme broadened out to include, for instance, bright children
to brush aside
but such contacts at the time were brushed aside by Mr Bush. The Independent
to build on
tirer parti de, s’appuyer sur
The Hours has built on rhe success of The Others and Moulin Rouge
to buoy up
a policy buoyed up by Moscow’s rising income from oil and natural gas. BBC News
to call
call for:
Building a molecular computer is a challenge that calls for expertise in a variety of différent disciplines. Nature
réclamer, appeler de ses vœux
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir John Stevens called for “drastic measures” to curb the gun culture. BBC News
call off: annuler
But the meeting was called off at the last minute by Surrey Police
call on/upon sb to do sth: enjoindre qqun de faire qqch
| They also called on the govemment to speed up the process of privatization
to care for
s’occuper de, prendre soin de
We asked readers how the Government should care for wounded servicemen following fury at the closure of military hospitals.
to carry
get carried away: s’emballer
But it seems to have got carried away. The Guardian
carry on: continuer
In 1956 the governmental vacuum lasted for 122 days, while the old Cabinet carried on as caretaker. Time
carry out: effectuer, mener à bien
René Hen and colleagues at the Institute of Biological Chemistry in Strasbourg carried out expenments on mice
carry over into: avoir des répercussions sur
The chairman, said the last 12 months of ad revenue déclines had carried over into the new financial year
carry through: mener à bien, rendre effectif
A new health bill was also announced, which will carry through a ban on smoking in public places. BBC News
to cast aside
se débarrasser de, rejeter
Yesterday Mr Duncan Smith cast thèse doubts aside
to catch up with
the Chinese market as ripe for expansion, as the country strives to catch up with the developed world. BBC News
to cave in to
céder à
The flame was lit fortnight ago when the powerful Working Committee of the Congress Party caved in to the demands of India’s 7,000,000 Sikhs for
to check up on
surveiller, enquêter sur
Senior police offlcers daim new powers to check up on convicted sex offenders in their homes do not go far enough,
to chip away at
Joe Warwick, its current editor, has chipped away at the UK monopoly once held by the mvariably dreary trade weekly Caterer & Hôtelkeeper. îr. The Financial Times
to clamp / to crack down on
prendre des mesures drastiques contre
A Tory MP today called on the justice minister, Jack Straw, to clamp down on internet images and videos of violence and criminal activity. The Guardian
to close in on
apparently fearful authorities might be closing in on him. | The Chicago Tribune
to come
come about: se produire
Its discovery came about like this
come (a)round to: se ranger à
Mr Campbell gradually came round to the view
come down on: s’en prendre à, se montrer intraitable envers
Independents are coming down on the anti-war side
come down to: revenir à, se résumera
Well, it ail cornes down to the way you measure the increase in the cost of living.
come in for: être l’objet de, subir
other foreign-made goods came in for sharp criticism from Mr Forbes and Mr Alexander
come into (force, effect): entrer en (vigueur) 25 per cent said that they had gone to the pub more often since it came into effect. The Independent
come under: être soumis à
The Health Minister, yesterday came under increasing pressure to award compensation to hundreds of Scottish haemophiliacs
come up against: se heurter à
Bolton came up against résistance from Fingar’s bureau
come up to: correspondre à, être à la hauteur de
the water fails to come up to standards of cleanliness recommended by the European Union.
come up with: proposer
She happened to know the Medicaid process inside out, and she came up with an idea
to conjure up
a slogan which conjures up images of kindly cashiers
to cry out against
s’opposer avec force à
But Mrs Sheehan’s is not the only voice crying out against the war.
to cut
cut across: toucher, affecter sans distinction
A wide north-south divide in the health of the nation persists in Britain, cutting across ail social classes, according to research published today. The Guardian
cut back/down (on): réduire
Although car-sharing with friends and colleagues is the time-honoured way of cutting back on émissions
cut off from: isolé de
the nine Justices are perceived as being above the fray and primly eut off from everyday life. Time
be cut out for: avoir des prédispositions pour
Are men cut out for the job market?
to dabble in/with
faire un peu de
HarryOppenheimerwas a businessman who dabbled in politics.
to date back to
remonter à
Its arcane System dates back to Elizabethan times, with the head of the feudal government
to dawn on/upon
apparaître à
Mr Blair did not intend to mount such an offensive on European policy until it dawned on him
to deal with
s’occuper de, avoir affaire à
The ATP also needs to deal with the problem of what exactly is safe
to decide on/upon
se décider pour, choisir
Bush has decided on a policy that leaves the Democrats outraged in their disapproval
to delve into
fouiller dans
at the former Greater London Council without delving into his private life. The Daily Telegraph
to depart from
rompre avec
But Penguin is about to depart from convention.
to depend on
dépendre de
His authority will dépend almostentirely on his influence > on the president,
compter sur
Your business will dépend on your network
to deprive of
priver de
he will deprive them of something to loathe. The New Statesman
to devote to
consacrer à
The Cambodian-born film-maker Rithy Panh, who devotes ail his energy to combating oblivion, is deeply concerned about the distress of Franco-Khmer youth. The Guardian
to discriminate against
The employment tribunal said John Reaney, 42, was discriminated against “on grounds of sexual orientation’
to die
die away: disparaître
The summit ended on the Saturday afternoon and the clashes died away. BBCNews
die down: se calmer, s’atténuer
Although the controversy died down in the UK, the USA is now becoming a fertile ground for DTC genetic testing
die out: disparaître
The necessity for the techniques of producing India pale ale eventually died out, but the taste for it did not. The New York Times
to dispose of
se débarrasser de
The government is planning to dispose of nuclear waste in a deep underground repository
to dissociate from
dissocier de
The activities of the chatelaine of 10 Downing Street cannot be dissociated from the office that puts her there. The Times
to dissolve into
plonger dans, laisser place à
Once we eliminate Hussein’s government, we’ll have to occupy the entire country for years to make sure it doesn’t dissolve into chaos. The Chicago Tribune
to do
do away with: supprimer
BT argues that Fusion is not designed to do away with the flxed-line phone,
do without: se passer de
the resentment against the US for believing it was powerful enough to do without international support has never entirely gone away. BBC News
to be doomed to
être voué à
managing such projects across oceans is doomed to failure. Newsweek
to drag
drag down: tirer vers le bas
America, at a lowly 96th position (only one above Iran), is dragged down by factors such as its involvement
drag on: s’éterniser
But as the complex negotiations dragged on, with proposais and counterproposals circulating among companies
to dream up
It asked its 61,000 employees to dream up new ideas. Forbes
to drift apart
Despite booming bilateral trade, Japan and South Korea have drifted apart in recent months
to drive
drive down: faire baisser
A strong rupee lowers the value of imports to India, and drives down the demand for exports,
drive out: faire partir
the ones who want to seal the border and deport or drive out illegal immigrants. The Washington Post
drive up: faire monter
“Retiring baby boomers driving up prices of vacation homes”. Los Angeles Business Journal
to drop
drop behind: se laisser distancer
Oxford has dropped behind Cambridge for the fïrst time since 2001. The Daily Telegraph
drop out of: abandonner (ses études)
Almost half of 17 year olds in some parts of England hâve dropped out of fulltime éducation or training, government statistics reveal. BBC News
to elaborate on
donner des détails sur
Charles Kennedy, the former Libéral Democrat leader, had refused to elaborate on his attempts to give up drinking
to embark on/upon
entreprendre, se lancer dans
they embark upon what has historically been a very slippery slope. International Herald Tribune
to encroach on/upon
empiéter sur
the aggressive antiterrorism programs championed by the Bush administration are encroaching on civil liberties,
to engage in
se lancer dans
anyone who “has engaged in hostilities against the United States. The Washington Post
to even out
équilibrer, aplanir
Structural Funds, which aim to even out différences between rich and poor régions in the EU. BBC News
to expand on
donner des détails sur
He expanded on his ideas during a visit to a secondary school in west London
to face up to
faire face à, accepter la réalité de
Beijing refuses to face up to its own aggressions
to fade
fade away: disparaître, diminuer
“Union power is fading away, despite the Democrats’ efforts”. The Economist
fade out: disparaître progressivement
The Cathode Ray Tube technology is fading out of the market. The New York Times
to fall
fall apart: s’effondrer, se désagréger
“Behind a façade of normality, Zimbabwe is visibly falling apart”. The Guardian
fall in with:
se lier d’amitié avec
After falling in with the wrong crowd and stuggling to get to grips with éducation,
se ranger au point de vue de
now, very belatedly, even the mega-rich are beginning to fall in with the idea. The Independent
fall off: décroître
though Chinese arms sales fell off significantly last year. BBC News
fall to: incomber à
Moreover, it fell to him to end this experiment and the System that lay behind it The Economist
to figure out
to fit in with
concorder avec
The study on marijuana fits in with previous work that has shown the illicit substance adversely affects maie fertility.
to focus on
se concentrer sur
to foist on
imposer à
a wrongheaded theory foisted upon the public by unscrupulous scientists. The New York Times
to be founded on
être fondé sur
to get
get away with: commettre un acte en toute impunité
‘How the UN lets genocidal states get away with murder.” The Guardian
get around: contourner
Others said there are other ways to get around the problem of immuneSystem rejection
to give
give away: divulguer
the area they are about to enter will give away secrets. BBC News
give into: céder à
“It is essential that governments never give in to blackmail from terrorists or criminals
to gloss over
Japanese history textbooks conveniently glossed over the truth about Impérial Japan’s behavior abroad.
to go
go against: aller à l’encontre de
The appeal goes against the décision of council planners
go ahead [/through] with: mettre à exécution
the prime minister is determined to go ahead with the plan. BBC News
go with: aller de pair avec
if eschewing the cult of personality that often goes with the job. The Times
to hammer away at
revenir inlassablement sur
various administrations hammered away at America’s debt,
to hand in
Tony Blair has handed in his résignation to the Queen
to hang
hang back from: être réticent à
The governors of both parties are hanging back from making endorsements.
hang on to: s’accrocher à
They said the changes would leave them hanging on to academic independence”by their fingernails”.
to hedge against
se prémunir contre
Buying commodities is an alternative way of hedging against inflation
to hold back
Weakness in private consumption appeared to be the main factor holding back growth
to hunt down
he would send troops into Pakistan to hunt down terrorists even without local permission
to impact on
avoir un impact sur
“The Hutton report will impact on the renewal of the BBC’s charter,”
to impinge on/upon
empiéter sur
many critics have said that the legislation impinges on civil liberties.
to keep
keep down: restreindre
the state should enlist some lawyers from the attorney general’s office to help keep down costs.
keep on: ne pas cesser de
CD sales around the world will keep on falling for the next two years, rs, a report has predicted.
keep up with: faire face à
Expansion in renewable energies is barely keeping up with increasing demand.
to lag behind
avoir du retard
Europe “is still lagging behind in its ability to generate, oie, organize and sustain innovation processes and productivity growth in pharmaceuticals.”
to lay
lay aside: mettre de cote
the refusal of many MPs to lay prejudice aside
lay off: licencier has decided to lay off almost all its employees.
to live
live off: vivre aux depens de
“that unemployment results and people live off the welfare state,”
live up to: etre a la hauteur de
Both the team and the individual lived up to expectations on the opening day of a three-match series.
to look
look back on: revenir sur, evoquer dozens of Republican members of the House class of 1994 looked back on the election that catapulted their party into the majority.
look down on: regarder de haut, mepriser
The idea that many Europeans are I looking down on Americans has led to a flurry of interest in trying to explain the trend.
look forward to: attendre avec impatience
“Looking forward to a spam-free future”.
look into: examiner
The American State Department says it is looking into reports that the Venezuelan president, Hugo Chavez, has been involved in attempts to destabilise Bolivia and Ecuador.
look out for: etre a la recherche de
The Bank told the City last month that it was looking out for evidence of firms trying to pass on their costs in the form of higher prices.
to lose out on
etre perdant
companies must not risk losing out on profits altogether.
to make for
to measure up to
etre a la hauteur de
to move away from
to muster up
to opt in ≠ to opt out of
contribuer a ≠ ne pas contribuer a, renoncer a
to partake of
to pass away
to phase in ≠ to phase out
introduire ≠ supprimer progressivement
to pick up
to play down
to point out
faire remarquer
to preside over
presider a
to pull
pull ahead of: devancer
pull out of: se retirer de
to push
push back: faire reculer
push through: faire adopter
to put
put across: faire passer
put aside: mettre de cote
put away: incarcerer
put down to: mettre sur le compte de
put forward: mettre en avant, proposer
put up with: supporter
to reckon with
compter avec
to reside in
resider dans
to resort to
recourir a
to rest on/upon
etre fonde sur
to result in
avoir pour consequence
to revert to
en revenir a
to rule out
to run
run out of: etre a court de
run up against: se heurter a
to safeguard against
se premunir contre
to see
see through: mener a terme
see to: s’occuper de, veiller a
to set
set about: s’atteler a une tache
be set against: refuser de
set off: declencher
set up: etablir, fonder
to settle down
se calmer
to sex up
rendre plus attrayant, exagerer
to shape up
prendre forme
to single out
distinguer, prendre pour cible
to slow down
to sort out
mettre de I’ordre dans, resoudre
to spring/to stem from
resulter de
to stand
stand out against: se distinguer de
stand up for: defendre
to step
step back from: prendre du recul par rapport a
step down: demissionner
to be sworn in
preter serment
to sweep aside
balayer, ecarter
to take
take aback: deconcerter
be taken in: etre dupé, trompé
take off: decoller
take over (as): prendre la releve (en tant que)
to talk up
presenter de maniere positive
to think
think ahead: anticiper, reflechir a I’avenir
think over: reflechir
to tie in with
concorder avec
to tone /to water down
attenuer, edulcorer
to turn
turn down: rejeter
turn out (to be): s’averer
to trigger off
to usher in
etre a I’origine de, introduire
to verge on/upon
friser, froler
to vie for
rivaliser pour
to wear
wear down: affaiblir, s’affaiblir
wear off: s’amenuiser
to weigh against
comparer, mettre en balance
to wipe out