Level 2 - Skeletal Development 1 Flashcards
What are the functions of bone?
-mineral storage
Blood cell formation is carried out by myeloid tissue (red bone marrow).
In adults the myeloid tissue is found in the epiphyses of certain long bone and in flat bones of the skull, pelvis, sternum, ribs
What are the 5 major types of structural bone?
Long bone (femur)
Short bone (carpal)
Flat bone (scapula)
Irregular bone (vertebrae)
Sesamoid bone (patella)
-Main long shaft of bone
-hollow, cylindrical shape and thick compact bone
-provides strong support without cumbersome weight
-Both ends of a long bone, made of cancellous bone filled with marrow
-bulbous shaped
-provides attachments for muscles and gives stability to joints
The zone of growth between the epiphysis and diaphysis during bone development
Where bone grows
Epiphyseal line
Layer of hyaline cartilage that covers the articular surface of epiphyses
-functions to cushion jolts and blows
Articular cartilage
*Long bone
-dense white fibrous membrane that covers bone
-attached tendons firmly to bones
-contains cells that form and destroy bone
-contains blood vessels important in growth and repair
-contains blood vessels that send branches into bone
-essential for bone cell survival and bone formation
Periosteum (surrounds bone)
*long bone
-tubelike hollow space in the diaphysis
-filled with yellow marrow in adults
-filled with red marrow in kids
Medullary cavity (marrow)
*long bone
Thin, fibrous membrane that lines the medullary cavity of long bones. Also lines the space of spongy bone
*long bone
Cranial flat bones have an internal and external table of compact bone and an inner cancellous region called the:
Diploë (spongy bone in flat bones)
Spaces inside the cancellous bone of short, flat, irregular and sesamoid bones are filled with red marrow
Ex. Sternum
-most distinctive form of connective tissue
-extracellular components are hard and calcified
-rigidity of bone gives it supportive and protective functions
-tensile strength nearly equal to that of cast iron at less than 1/3 the weight
Bone tissue
-extra cellular components are hard and calcified
-rigidity of bone gives it supportive and protective functions
-tensile strength nearly equal to the of cast iron at less that 1/3 of weight
Characteristics of bone tissue
Contains many cylinder-shaped structural units called OSTEONS or HAVERSIAN systems
Compact bone
-surround central (Haversian) canals (containing blood/lymphatic vessels and nerves) that run lengthwise through bone and are connected by transverse (volkmann)
Where are living bone cells located?
*constitute the structural framework of compact bone
*osteons permit delivery of nutrients and removal of waste products