Anatomy Review Flashcards
80 bones of head, neck and torso
Composed of 74 bones from the upright axis and 6 tiny ear bones
Axial skeleton
126 bones that form the appendages to the axial skeleton; upper and lower extremities
Appendicular skeleton
Middle/shaft of a long bone
Ossification - 4th to 5th year
Scaphoid, trapezium, trapezoid
Ossification - 9th to 12th year
Ossification - 2nd month
Ossification - 3rd month
Ossification - 3rd year
Ossification - 4th year
Humero-radial and humero-ulnar articulations; form a synovial hinge joint
Elbow joint
Variable, receptor, control center, effector
Homeostatic control systems
Feedback control system:
Will do the exact opposite
Negative feedback
Feedback control system:
Amplifies the problem until it ends
Positive feedback
- Intracellular regulation
- Intrinsic regulation
- Extrinsic regulation
Levels of homeostatic control
Specific value range, ex. Temperature
Set point value
Forms covering on all internal and external surfaces
Epithelial tissue
- protection
- secretion
- absorption
- sensory functions
- excretion
Epithelial tissue
Epithelial cells:
Flat and sheet like in appearance
Epithelial cells:
Cube like, equal width, height, depth
Epithelial cells:
Column like, taller than they are wide
2 types of epithelial tissue
- Membranous (covering or lining)
- Glandular
- one cell layer of flat cells
- permeable to many substances
Simple squamous
- one cell layer of cuboidal cells
Ex. Found in many glands and ducts
Simple cuboidal
- multiple layers of flat cells
Ex. Skin - can be non keratinized
Ex. Mouth and esophagus
Stratified squamous
- 2 or more cuboidal rows
- serves to protect
Ex. Pharynx
Stratified cuboidal
- stratified tissue typically found in stress and high change areas of the body
- has the ability to stretch
Ex. Wall of urinary bladder
Transitional epithelium