Lesson 8 - Activities Flashcards
I don’t like cartoons.
No me gustan las caricaturas.
I really like Mexican directors.
Me encantan los directores mexicanos.
I don’t like those films at all.
No me gustan nada esas peliculas.
She loves mariachi.
Ella ama el mariachi.
That artist fascinates me.
Me fascina esa artista.
I love folk music.
Amo la musica folk.
I love you.
Te amo.
I really like flowers.
Me encantan las flores.
I’m going to invite her.
La voy a invitar.
I went to the movies with her brother.
Fui al cine con su hermano.
Where did you go?
A donde fuiste?
Carmen went to a party.
Carmen fue a una fiesta.
We went to eat with my in-laws.
Fuimos a comer con mis suegros.
I went to the square yesterday.
Fui a la plaza ayer.
We went to play soccer.
Fuimos a jugar futbol.
Ah, I miss Chicago sometimes.
Ah, extrano Chicago a veces.
Where did your siblings go?
A donde fueron tus hermanos?
Are you going to pay with cash or with a card?
Va a pagar en efectivo o con tarjeta?
The white shirt is very chaeap.
La camisa blanca esta muy barata.
The (pair of) red pants costs one thousand pesos.
El pantalon rojo cuesta mil pesos.
The black shoes are expensive.
Los zapatos negros estan caros.
five hundred
The black ties cost six hundred pesos.
Las corbatas negros cuestan seisceintos pesos.
The pair of blue pants costs 700 pesos.
El pantalon azul cuesta seteciento pesos.
How may I help you?
Como le puedo ayudar?
And they’re my size. I’ll take them.
Y es de mi talla. Me lo llevo.
They are thirsty.
Ellos tienen sed.
I have an interview.
Yo tengo una entrevista.
Are you sleepy.
Tienes sueno?
She is 40.
Ella tiene cuarenta anos.
We have a dinner tonight.
Tenemos una cena en la noche.
We have a date tomorrow.
Tenemos una cita manana.
What’s that?
Que es eso?
It’s about a forbidden romance.
Es sobre un romance prohibido.
And you’re still not ready yet.
Y tu todavia no estas listo.
And they have good news for us.
Y tienen buenas noticios para nosotros.
I’m here for an interview.
Vengo a una entrevista.
Did you come to see the doctor?
Usted viene a ver a la doctora?
We’re here for an appointment.
Venemos a una consulta.
They’re coming tomorrow.
Ellos vienen manana.
Take a seat please.
Tome asiento, por favor.
She’ll come shortly.
Ella viene enseguida.
We’re coming together to your party.
Venimos juntos a tu fiesta.
I’m home, love.
Ya estoy en casa, amor.
How did it go?
Como te fue?
Yes. I’m going to start in two weeks.
Si. Voy a comenzar en dos semanos.
How exciting.
Que emocion.
We have to buy you a white coat.
Tenemos que comprarte una bata blanca.
Before coming home, I bought a new one.
Antes de venir a casa compre una nueva.
I really like the design.
Me encanta el diseno.
Yes, let’s celebrate.
Si, vamos a celebrar.