Lesson 18 - Food in Latin America Flashcards
Can you bring me (some) lemon for the shepard-style tacos.
Puede traerme limon para los tacos al pastor?
For a starter, bring us some avocado dip, and afterwards (we’ll have) some Swiss-styled filled flabread.
De entrante traiganos un guacamole y despues unas enchiladas suizas.
On the Dia del Grito it’s typical to eat chiles in nogada sauce or Mexican corn stew.
El dia del Grito es tipico comer chiles en nogada o pozole.
I didn’t know that chicken in mole sauce is made with chocolate.
No sabia que el pollo con mole se hacia con chocolate.
I drank the mezcal with (the) worm, and it didn’t taste so bad to me.
Me bebe el mezcal con gusano, y no me supo tan mal.
I don’t want to add chili to the candied tamarind.
No quiero echarle chile al dulce de tamarindo.
Of course, this is an authentic mexican dinner for you.
Por supesto, esto es una autentica cena mexicana para ti.
More or less, in Mexico we wouldn’t eat nacho chips out of a bag, rather corn chips.
Mas o menos, en Mexico no comeriamos nachos de bolsa sino totopos.
I didn’t know that, but I’ve prepared the typical dish for Dia del Grito: chilies in nogada sauce with the colors of the flag.
No lo sabia, pero he preparado el plato tipico del Dia del Grito: chiles en nogada con los colores de la bandera.
That’s right, although in my house, (what) we always eat on the 15th of September is a Mexican corn stew, a delicious pre-Columbian soup.
Es cierto, aunque en mi casa lo que comemos siempre el quince de septiembre es el pozole, una sopa precolumbina deliciosa.
Absolutely, the main dish comes afterwards. I’ve made chicken in mole sauce. And I’ve prepared the sauce myself.
De todas formas, el plato fuerte viene despues. He hecho pollo con mole. Y la salsa la he preparado yo mismo.
How sweet. But the mole doesn’t sit well with me at all.
Que lindo. Pero el mole no me sienta nada bien.
How I would like some good shepherd style tacos with pineapple, onions.
Cuanto me apetecen unos buenos tacos al pastor con su pina, su cebolla
Wow, well there aren’t any tacos, although I’ve prepared Swiss style filled flatbread with a green sauce.
Vale, pues tacos no hay, aunque he preparado enchiladas suizas con salsa verde.
Well, what are we going to do about it…let’s drink tequila to forget.
Que le vamos a hacer…Beberamos tequila para olvidar.
Tequila? I’ve bought mezcal with (the) worm and everything.
Tequila? He comprado mezcal con gusano y todo.
Don’t be sad. You’ve made a fantastic Mexican meal…you’ve even brought candied tamarind.
No te pongas triste. Has hecho una comida mexicana fantastica…si hasta has traido dulce de tamarindo.
Well, you eat it all up yourself because I don’t feel like (eating) it anymore.
Pues cometelo todo tu, que a mi ya no me apetece.
The Neopolitan-style breaded veal cutlet doesn’t come from (lit wasn’t born in) Naples, but rather in a restaurant in Buenos Aires.
La milanesa a la napolitana no nacio en Naples, sino en un restaurante de Buenos Aires.
We’re preparing a big roast (i.e. a barbeque event) with Patagonian lamb.
Preparamos un gran asado a la parrilla, con cordero patagonico.
I don’t know if I should have (lit take) crepes with caramelized milk or vanilla custard in caramel sauce for dessert.
No se si tomar panqueques con dulce de leche o flan de postre.
I wanted to cook (lit make) steak with two fried eggs, but I didn’t have any eggs left.
Queria hacer bife a caballo, pero no me quedaban huevos.
I don’t like the chimichurri sauce because it has (lit. carries) too much parsley.
Me no gusta la salsa chimichurri porque lleva mucho perejil.
Could I have (lit. take) Creole salad as a side dish instead of the fries?
Podria tomar ensalada criolla como guarnicion en vez de patatas fritas?
How was your trip Mario? Did you eat a lot of meat?
Como tal el viaje Mario? Has comido mucho carne?
Of course, they invited me to a roast at a friend’s house. There were spicy sausages, spare ribs, and my favorite meat…
Claro, me invitaron a un asado a la parrillo en casa de un amigo. Habia chorizos, costillas, y mi carne favorita…
Don’t tell me that they had lamb!
No me digas que tenian cordero.
Yes, and what’s more, it was from Patagonia. It’s an area where the meat is (especially) delicious.
Si, ademas era de Patagonia. Es un zona donde la carne es deliciosa.
Did you all have it with chimichurri sauce?
Lo tomaron con salsa chimichurri?
Yes, and I’ve learned to make it. It has (lit. carries) parsley, ground pepper, vinegar and garlic.
Si, y he aprendido a hacerla. Lleva perejil, aji molido, vinagre y ajo.
But you must have eaten other things, right? Did you try (lit. know about) the Neopolitan-style breaded veal cutlet?
Pero habras comido otras cosas, no? Conocias la milanesa a la napolitana?
Yes, with tomato and gratineed cheese on top. What I had never eaten before was the steak a la horse.
Si, con tomate y queso gratinado por encima. Lo que no habia comida nunca era el bife a caballo.
You’ve eaten horse meat? Oh, my goodness (lit. my mother)!
Has comido carne de caballo? Madre mia!
No way, it was veal with two fried eggs on top.
Que va, era carne de ternera con dos huevos fritos encima.
I ate it with a Creole salad.
Lo comi con una ensalada criolla.
Finally something green.
Por fin algo verde.
The salad has red pepper, which you don’t like at all, Belen.
La ensalada llevaba pimiento rojo, que no te gusta nada, Belen.
What I do like is the caramelized milk. Did you eat a lot of it?
Lo que si me gusta es el dulce de leche. Comiste mucho?
Of course. I ate it with crepes and with a homemade vanilla custard in caramel sauce.
Por supesto. Lo comi con panqueques y con un flan casero.
That’s the reason why you look (lit. I see you) much fatter.
Con razon te veo mas gordo.
For the first course, I’ll have the conger eel consume and she (will have) the seafood soup.
De primero yo tomare el caldillo de congrio y ella la paila marina.
An Italian Hot Dog, please.
Un completo italiano, por favor.
For an afternoon snack, I’ll have a (slice of) blackberry cake and a (glass of) custard apple juice.
Pare merendar tomare un kuchen de mora y un jugo de chirimoya.
The most traditional dish from the island of Chiloe is the curanto in the hole.
El plato mas tradicional de la isla de Chiloe es el curanto en hoyo.
I’ve prepared (the) wheat with dried peached drink for the Fiestas Patrias.
He preparado mote con huesillos para las Fiestas Patrias.
If you would like something au gratin, order yourself a blue crab pie.
Si te apetece algo gratinado, pidete un pastel de jaiba.
Did you learn a lot of Chilean recipes?
Has aprendido muchas recetas chilenas?
Yes, although some are really difficult to make, for example the curanto in the hole.
Si, aunque algunas son dificilisimas de hacer, por ejemplo, el curanto en el hoyo.
It’s (lit it’s about) a fish and shellfish dish that is heated with rocks in a hole in the ground.
Se trata de un plato de pescado y marisco que se calienta en una agujero en el suelo con piedras.
I don’t know anything about Chilean gastronomy. Only the conger eel consume because of an ode by Neruda. Have you cooked this dish?
Yo no conozco nada de la gastronomia chilena. Solo el caldillo de congria por una oda de Neruda. Has cocinado este plato?
No, but I’ve prepared the blue crab pie, because you like crab so much.
No, pero he preparado pastel de jaiba. Porque tanto te gusta el cangrejo.
And this tastes like clam. What is it?
Y esto que sabe a almeja. que es?
It’s marine soup. It’s made with fish stock and wine. Be careful, it’s hot (lit. burns)
Es paila marina. Esta hecho con caldo de pescado y vino. Cuidado, que quema.
This is a custard apple juice? [EUR]
Esto es un zumo de chirimoya?
Yes, but in Chile its called custard apple juice.
Si, pero en Chile lo llamen jugo de chrimoya.
And that other drink that you buy at the small places, what was it called?
Y esa otra bebida que se compra en los pequenos puestos, como se llamaba?
Are you referring to the wheat with dried peaches drink? It’s very sweet, that’s why its also eaten as a dessert.
Te refieres al mote con huesillos? Es muy dulce, por eso tambien se toma como postre.
I see that you’ve also made a cake.
Veo que tambien has hecho una tarta.
Yes, in the south of Chile they call it kuchen. This one is with (lit. of) blackberry.
Si, en el sur de Chile la llamen kuchen. Este es de mora.
So many things. I thought that you would do something much simpler.
Que de cosas. Pense que harias algo mas sencillo.
Another day we’ll prepare Italian hot dogs.
Otra dia preparamos completos italianos.
Simple hot dogs, but they add avacado, which I love.
Simples hot dogs, pero le anaden palta, que me encanta.