Lesson 7 - Food and Family Flashcards
I feel happy.
Me siento feliz.
Are you worried?
Estas preocupado?
I’m a little bit stressed.
Estoy un poco estresada.
I feel very happy in Mexico.
Me siento muy feliz en Mexico.
I want to find a job.
Quiero encontrar trabajo.
Why do you feel happy?
Por que te sientes feliz?
Do you want to eat something in the cafeteria?
Quieres comer algo en la cafeteria?
There are many delicious things.
Hay muchos cosas deliciosas.
I want something to drink.
Quiero algo de tomar.
I’m going to take 100 pesos with me.
Me voy a llevar cien pesos
He doesn’t want coffee or a horchata.
El no quiere ni cafe ni agua de horchata.
I want something to eat.
Quiero algo de comer.
I want an ice cream.
Quiero un helado.
What do you want to do?
Que quires hacer?
Do you want to order anything else?
Quieres pedir algo mas?
I am going to have a sweet bread.
Voy a querer un pan dulce.
What are you going to order? (Fml)
Que va a pedir usted?
We are going to have a milkshake.
Vamos a quierer una malteada.
Here you go.
Aqui tiene.
Our family is very big.
Nuestra familia es muy grande.
Your mom reads a lot.
Tu mama lee mucho.
My dad cooks well.
Mi papa cocina delicioso.
My brothers play soccer.
Mis hermanos juegan futbol.
In our family there are six of us.
En nuestra familia somos seis.
Where does your family live?
Donde vive tu familia?
My parents and my brother live in the south.
Mis papas y mi hermano viven en el sur.
Don’t your sisters live with your parents?
Tus hermanas no viven con tus papas?
My sisters live with their partners.
Mis hermanas viven con sus parejas.
Your parents are married.
Tus papas estan casados.
She lives with her girlfriend.
Ella vive con su novia.
He eats with his parents.
El come con sus papas.
You (fm) have lunch with your friends.
Ustedes comen con sus amigos.
They love their children.
Ellos aman a sus hijos.
Don’t worry, everything will turn out well.
No te preocupes todo saldra bien.
Try the coffee from Veracruz that my dad gave to us.
Prueba el cafe de Veracruz que nos regalo mi papa.
When did your dad go to Veracruz?
Cuando fue tu papa a Veracruz?
Last week. The tickets are very cheap.
La semana pasada. Los boletos estan muy baratos.
Let’s buy ours when I come back from my interview.
Vamos a comprar los nuestros cuando regrese di me entrevista.