Lesson 4 Section 4B Reproductive & Genetic Terminology Flashcards
What is a billy goat?
Male goat
What is a bitch?
Female dog
What is a boar?
Male pig
What is a brood?
Offspring from one hatching of a bird’s egg
What is broody?
Hen sitting on eggs
What is a buck?
Male deer, goat, rabbit, or kangaroo
What is a bull?
Male of various large mammals, especially cattle
What is a bullock?
Castrated bull or steer
What is a calf
Bovine younger than one year
What is a capon?
A neutered rooster
What is a chromosome?
Bodies within the cell nucleus that store genetic information
What is a clutch?
Group of eggs laid at one time by a bird
What is a cob?
Male swan
What is a cock?
Male chicken older than one year
What is cockerel?
Male chicken younger than one year
What is colostrum?
Protein - and antibody-rich milk secreted by the mother after giving birth
What is a colt?
Male horse before maturity
What is congenital?
Condition existing at birth but not hereditary
What is a cow?
Female in various large animals, especially cattle
What is a cur?
mixed-breed dog of little value
What is a cygnet?
Young swan
What is a dam?
female parent
What is a doe?
Adult female goat or deer
What is a drake?
Male duck
What is Estrus?
Time of reproductive cycle when the female is receptive to mating
What is a ewe?
Female sheep of breeding age
What is a filly?
Female horse under four years old
What is a fledgling?
Young bird just learning to fly
What is a foal?
Young or newborn horse
What is a gander?
Male goose
What is a gelding?
Neutered male horse
What is gestation period?
Time between conception and birth of an offspring?
What is a gilt?
Young female pig
What is a gobbler?
Male turkey
What is a gosling?
young goose
What does gravid mean?
What is a heifer?
A young cow
What is an inguinal hernia?
Protrusion of tissue through inguinal canals of males
What is a jenny?
A female donkey
what is a jack?
a male donkey
What is a kid?
young goat
What is a lamb?
a young sheep
What is a mare?
A female horse four years or older
What is a miscarriage?
Expulsion of underdeveloped fetus
What is does it mean to be monestrous?
Have one estrus period a year
What is a mongrel?
a mutt; mixed breed
What is a nanny goat?
Female goat
What is a Nuptial plumage?
brilliant mating-season plumage exhibited by some birds, usually males
What is oviparous?
Animals whose eggs develop outside the mothers body
what is ovoviviparous?
Animals whose eggs develop within the mothers oviduct
What is parturition?
process of giving birth
What is a pen?
a female swan
What is polyestrus?
having more than one estrous period per year
What is a prepuce?
protective sheath covering the penis
What is a pullet?
Female chicken younger than one year
What is a queen?
mature, entire female cat used for breeding
What is a ram?
male, entire, sexually mature sheep (6 months or older)
What is a rooster?
Male chicken
What is a shoat?
pig under one year old
What is a sire?
male parent of any quadruped, especially a horse
What is a sow?
female pig
What is a squab?
Fledgling pigeon
What is a stag?
male deer
What is a stallion?
male horse
What is a steer?
Neutered bull
What is a stud?
male horse used for reeding
What is a tom?
male turkey or cat
What is viviparous?
Giving birth to live young developed in the uterus
What is a Vixen?
Female fox
What is a wether?
neutered ram or billy goat
What is a whelp (noun)
young of a dog
what is a whelp (verb)
Giving birth to said especially of dogs