Lesson 1 Behavior Section 4 Counseling and Therapy Flashcards
What basic factors apply to all species when it comes to behavior therapy
Trust, Reward, Reprimand, Consistency
What are the two types of rewards
1) Edible 2) Vocal
Give an example of an appropriate reprimand
Clapping the hands or giving a loud whistle. The idea is to send a jolt sufficient to link the physical sensation of a racing heartbeat and burst of adrenaline with whatever behavior preceded the noise accompanied with a firm and clear “No”
Why is it bad to be inconsistent in training
Intermittent rewards for good behavior tend to confuse an animal and provoke anxiety and stress. Allowing inappropriate behavior to pass without reprimand even once, effectively gives the animal permission to repeat the behavior without fear of punishment.
Give 9 examples of behavior treatment techniques
1) Command-response-reward 2) Clicker-training 3)Extinction 4)Aversion Therapy 5)Habituation 6)Punishment 7)Counterconditioning 8)Desensitization 9)Avoidance therapy
Command-Response-Reward Technique
Giving a command and rewarding the desired response every time it’s performed until the pet responds consistently. Start with simple commands before moving on to the more difficult ones. Punishment should NOT be used with this technique
Clicker-Reward Training
Clicker is used to signal to the animal that it performed the right behavior and will receive a reward. The first step is to associate the clicker with the reward.
Extinction Behavior Therapy Technique
Involves elimination of a problem behavior by completely removing the reinforcement for the behavior. IE: a dog begging for food at the dinner table, stop giving scraps.
Aversion Therapy Technique
Involves creating relationship between an unpleasant stimulus and an object that an animal may be marking, chewing, or otherwise damaging. A cat jumps on the kitchen counter against the owners wishes, place double-sided tape on the counter. The unpleasant feeling of the tape will keep the cat off. The keep a pet from chewing furniture, pray it down with something with either a foul odor or taste.
Avoidance Therapy Technique
Involves the use of negative reinforcement. Idea is to associate the unpleasant event with the behavior and NOT the owner. IE: owner can treat a dog that barks excessively by startling the dog with a spray for a hose, but the dog shouldn’t be able to see the owner.
What is the difference between Aversion Therapy and Avoidance Therapy
Aversion Therapy keeps animal away from particular object or area. Avoidance Therapy discourages animal from displaying a particular behavior
Habituation Therapy
Used to treat MINOR behaviors problems. Involves surrounding the animal with the stimulus causing the problem until animal becomes acclimated to the stimulus and is no longer afraid of it.
Punishment Therapy
Punishment differs from negative reinforcement in that it isn’t used to create a desired behavior but eliminate an undesirable one. It is applied immediately and every time the behavior occurs. The pet should NOT connect the punishment to the owner. Should NEVER be used to treat aggression, if used improperly, can create aggression.
Counterconditioning Therapy
can replace undesirable behavior with a desirable one. Take a stimulus linked to negative emotion and reconditioning or counterconditioning, an animal by linking the stimulus to a positive emotional response. Owner can train pet that barks at the mail carrier to sit quietly when they arrive. Sometimes used in conjunction with desensitization.
Desensitization Therapy
Diminishing a particular behavior by gradually exposing the animal to the stimulus that produces the inappropriate response. Example: gradually exposing a dog who is fearful of children at a distance for brief periods of time. As long as no negative behaviors occur, you can gradually decrease the distance and increase the amount of time.
Environmental Modification Therapy
Common problem with cats is breaking litter box training. You can induce a cat that consistently defecates on carpet to use the litter box by wrapping a piece of carpet around the outer edges of the box. Changing location of the litter box or using a different brand of litter can also be useful methods of environmental modification.
Surgical Approaches to Behavior Therapy
Spaying can help treat females the vocalize excessively during estrus. Spay and Neuter also helps dogs and cats that fight or roam.
Neurosurgical Therapy
Said to solve behavioral problems in animals as it has been used in humans. Though there has been little success in this area.
Pharmaceutical Therapy
Can treat variety of behavioral problems in pets ie; Separation anxiety, inappropriate elimination as well as sexual behaviors such as mounting, fighting, and roaming. Due to possible side effects some medications, this therapy s usually considered only after other methods have failed.
Name 3 common side effects of Megesterol Acetate
1) Increased appetite 2) Increased blood glucose 3) Hyperplasia in mammary glands
What is the most common pharmaceutical therapy employed in behavioral modification
Hormonal therapy
Is hormonal therapy usually short-term or long-term?
long-term so it’s important to keep a close eye on the pets health and regular vet visit is vital
What is Dominance Aggression
Occurs when an owner attempts to assert dominance over a dog, such as taking away its food bowl or a toy. Also known as conflict-related aggression
What can Diazepam enhance treatment of?
Separation anxiety. Mostly short-term use
If a bird squawks consistently with no medical or physical basis, what would be a treatment?
Moving the cage to a different room or a different part of the same room. A simple change in environment
How should you remove a bird from a cage
Slowly and gently. Allow the bird to investigate the retrieving person’s hand.
What is one way to correct biting in birds
With the bird perched on the hand, simply drop he hand a few inches immediately after the bird bites. After only a few experiences the bird associates biting with unpleasant feeling of disorientation.
Describe one way to calm a nervous or skittish rodent
In a bathtub with the spout closed up, set the cage in the tub and lift the animal from it’s cage with help of cup or can and place in tub. Allow time to acclimate and calm down. Once calm then climb into the tub with it. Stay still for a while allow time for animal to adjust to your presence. Hold your hand out flat on the bottom of the tub and let animal sniff and walk over it. Place treat in palm of hand, gently stroke back while it retrieves and eats the treat. Repeat twice a day. If bites, place back in cage for few hours to calm down.