Lesson 1 Behavior Section 3 Problems Flashcards
Positive Reinforcement
Giving a reward at the time of a behavior to encourage that act.
Unpleasant occurrence used to ELIMINATE the behavior
Fixed action patterns that enable the very young to recognize and bond with their caretaker
The Sensitive Period
A period of time at a very young age when imprinting occurs
Instincts do what
permit animals to perform very complex behaviors without learning them through trial and error
Sociobiologists theorize complex social patterns arise, develop, and sometimes even disappear based on their survival value or ________
Example of Operant Conditioning
F. Skinner experiment associating an activity with a reward (or in other cases can be punishment). A rat pressing a bar with a treat
Origin of Behaviorism
John B Watson formed a Stimulus-Response Theory that said all forms of behavior are muscular and glandular responses and can be observed and measured
Who challenged the idea of animal behavior being instinctive?
Ivan Pavlov: Experiment on conditioned stimuli with a dog salivating when he heard a bell with no food in sight
Who revolutionized ethology and how
Charles Darwin: with his theory of evolution and believed animal behavior was instinctively generated
What is Ethology?
The study of animal behavior
CLASSICAL ethologists proposed animal behavior was ___________
What is the socialization stage in PUPPIES
4-14 weeks
What is the socialization stage in KITTENS
2-8 weeks
What is aggression
Behavior bred from an impulse to harm another being:
Bonus Answer: Castration helps reverse this!