Lesson 2 Flashcards
Regular -ar, -er, and -ir verbs in the present tense
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What are the three types of infinitive verb endings in Spanish?
- -ar as in hablar (to speak)
- -er as in comer (to eat)
- -ir as in vivir (to live)
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She is a student
Ella es una alumna
pupil, student - el alumno, la alumna. Remember that we can also say estudiante
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He is a student of Señora Ramos
Él es un estudiante de la Señora Ramos
of, from - de
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We are from the United States
Somos de los Estados Unidos
the United States - Los Estados Unidos (often abbreviated as los EEUU)
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He is Xavier’s friend
Él es (un) amigo de Xavier
friend - el amigo, la amiga
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She studies
Ella estudia
he/she studies - estudia
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He studies a lot
Él estudia mucho
a lot - mucho
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I study a lot
Yo __estudio mucho
I study - estudio
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You (ud) do not study a lot
Usted no estudia mucho
do not - no. Note that verbs are negated by simply adding the word no in front of them.
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You do not study
Tú no estudias
you study - tú estudias
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All the girls study
Todas las niñas estudian
all - todos
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The girl studies every day
La niña estudia todos los días
every day - todos los días
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We do not study every day
Nosotros no estudiamos todos los días
we study - estudiamos
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We walk every day
Nosotros caminamos todos los días
to walk - caminar. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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Do you speak Spanish too?
¿Hablas español también?
too, also - también
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The woman buys eleven books
La mujer compra once libros
to buy - comprar. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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She studies mathematics
Ella estudia matemáticas
mathematics, math - las matemáticas, la mate. When talking about a general subject, you do not use an article before the subject. When talking about a specific subject you do (i.e. I study the history of Spain->Estudio la historia de España)
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The teacher teaches math
El maestro enseña matemáticas
to teach - enseñar. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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Señor Ramos teaches the lesson
El Señor (Sr.) Ramos enseña la lección
lesson - la lección. Note that señor is usually abbreviated Sr.
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por, para
for - por, para. Note that por and para are not interchangeable and have several uses that can mean different things in English.
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Is the book for me?
¿Es el libro para mí?
me - mí. The word mí is used with certain prepositions such as para and a. The simpler direct object pronoun me will be discussed in more detail later
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The letter is not for you
La carta no es para ti
you - ti. The word ti is used in the predicate of the sentence rather than tú. The simpler direct object te (which we have already seen in cases like ¿Cómo te llamas?) will be discussed in more detail later
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I study with the teacher (fem)
Yo estudio con la maestra
with - con
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They walk with me
Ellos caminan conmigo
with me - conmigo. Note that you cannot say *con mí*
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She needs to study with you
Ella necesita estudiar contigo
with you - contigo. Note that you cannot say *con ti*
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I do not speak Spanish
No hablo español
to speak, to talk - hablar. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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We talk to the teacher
H__ablamos con el maestro
to talk to - hablar con. Note that the preposition con (“with”) must be used to mean “talk to”
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You (uds) talk about Señora Ramos
Ustedes hablan de la Señora Ramos
to talk about - hablar de. Note that the proposition de must be used to indicate “talk about”
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I speak English
Hablo inglés
English - inglés
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I ask in English
Yo pregunto en inglés
to ask (a question) - preguntar. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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You work everyday
Tú trabajas todos los días
to work - trabajar. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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I walk every day to work
Camino todos los días al trabajo
work - el trabajo. Note that al is a contraction of a and el
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They drink water
Ellos toman agua
to take, to drink - tomar. Note that tomar can mean both “to take” and “to drink”. The verb beber can also be used to mean “to drink,” but it is less commonly used than tomar
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I try to study
Trato de estudiar
to try to - tratar de. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar. Note that tratar without the preposition de means “to treat” (e.g. “I treat my friend badly” - Trato mal a mi amigo)
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Do you trust the teacher (feminine)?
¿Confías en la maestra?
to trust - confiar en. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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She eats
Ella come
he/she eats - come
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We do not eat a lot
Nosotros no comemos mucho
we eat - comemos
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When do we eat today?
¿Cuándo comemos hoy?
today - hoy
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He eats lots of food
Él come mucha comida
food - la comida
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I do not eat today
Yo no como hoy
I eat - yo como. Note the difference between the word como (I eat) and cómo (how)
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Carolina walks quickly
Carolina camina rápidamente
fast, quick - rápido
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We (fem) do not eat quickly
Nosotras no comemos rápidamente
quickly - rápidamente. Note that most adverbs in Spanish end in -mente, the equivalent of the English “-ly”. However, it is acceptable to just use rápido as an adverb
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You eat quickly
Tú comes rápidamente
you eat - comes
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What are the endings of regular -er verbs (such as comer) conjugated in the present tense?
Regular Present Tense -er endings
- -o (yo)
- -es (tú)
- -e (él)
- -emos (nosotros)
- -éis (vosotros)
- -en (ellos)
Simply drop the -er ending from the infinitive, and add the appropriate ending from above
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She sells books
Ella vende libros
to sell - vender. Follows the same conjugation pattern as comer
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They (men) think that they (women) are pretty
Ellos creen que ellas son bonitas
to think/believe - creer. Follows the same conjugation pattern as comer
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You read (present) today
Tú lees hoy
to read - leer. Follows the same conjugation pattern as comer
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Jorge __opens the book
Jorge abre el libro
he/she opens - abre
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She opens the door
Ella abre la puerta
door - la puerta
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We open the door quickly
Nosotros abrimos la puerta rápidamente
we open - abrimos
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Marcos drinks a bottle of beer
Marcos toma una botella de cerveza
bottle - la botella
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The room is big
El cuarto es grande
room - el cuarto
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He opens the door of the room
Él abre la puerta del cuarto
of the - del, de la. Note that de + el is condensed into the contraction del
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He never studies
Él nunca estudia
never - nunca. The word nunca goes directly before the conjugated verb, just like in the English “never”
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I always eat with them
Siempre como con ellos
always - siempre
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Who sells books?
¿Quién vende libros?
Who - Quién. Note that verbs after quien are always conjugated in the third-person (same as él or ella)
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They never open the book
Ellos nunca abren el libro
they open - abren
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You (uds) open the library door
Ustedes abren la puerta de la biblioteca
library - la biblioteca
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I never open the door
Yo nunca abro la puerta
I open - abro
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You open the big door
Tú abres la puerta grande
you open - abres
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- I open
- You open
- He/She opens
- We open
- You all open
- They open
- Yo abro
- Tú abres
- Él/Ella/Ud abre
- Nosotros abrimos
- Vosotros abrís
- Ellos/Ellas/Uds abren
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What are the endings of regular -ir verbs (such as abrir) conjugated in the present tense?
Regular Present Tense -ir endings
- -o (yo)
- -es (tú)
- -e (él)
- -imos (nosotros)
- -ís (vosotros)
- -en (ellos)
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They live in a big house
Ellos viven en una casa grande
to live - vivir. Follows the same conjugation pattern as abrir. Note that here, en means “in”
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to eat
to eat - comer. Comer is a regular -er ending verb
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to open
to open - abrir. Abrir is a regular -ir ending verb, which can be used as a model verb for all regular -ir ending verbs
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to study
to study - estudiar. Estudiar is a regular -ar ending verb
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We write every day
Nosotros escribimos todos los días
to write - escribir. Follows the same conjugation pattern as abrir
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You (vosotros) eat today
Vosotros coméis hoy
you (vosotros) eat - coméis
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We must speak with you (ud)
Debemos hablar con usted
must - deber. Follows the same conjugation pattern as comer
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Seeing is believing
Ver es creer
to see - ver. Note that the English gerund (ending in -ing) usually corresponds to the Spanish infinitive.
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Juan is the boy that runs fast
Juan es el niño que corre rápido
that - que
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You (vosotros) do not open the mathematics books
Vosotros no abrís los libros de matemáticas
you (vosotros) open - abrís
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We run fast
Nosotros corremos rápido
to run - correr. Follows the same conjugation pattern as comer.
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I learn a lot at school
Yo aprendo mucho en escuela
to learn - aprender. Follows the same conjugation pattern as comer
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- I eat
- You eat
- He/She eats
- We eat
- You all eat
- They eat
- Yo como
- Tú comes
- Él/Ella/Ud come
- Nosotros comemos
- Vosotros coméis
- Ellos/Ellas/Uds comen
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They eat a lot
Ellos comen mucho
they eat - comen
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I need an interesting book
Necesito un libro interesante
to need - necesitar. Follows the same conjugation pattern as estudiar
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What are the endings of regular -ar verbs (such as estudiar) conjugated in the present tense?
Regular Present Tense -ar endings
- -o (yo)
- -as (tú)
- -a (él)
- -amos (nosotros)
- -áis (vosotros)
- -an (ellos)
Simply strip the -ar ending off of any regular infinitive, and apply the endings above
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- I study
- You study
- He/She studies
- We study
- You all study
- They study
- Yo estudio
- Tú estudias
- Él/Ella/Ud estudia
- Nosotros estudiamos
- Vosotros estudiáis
- Ellos/Ellas/Uds estudian
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They do not study
Ellos no estudian
they study - estudian
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You (vosotros) study a lot
Vosotros __estudiáis mucho
you (vosotros) study - estudiáis