Lesson 17 Flashcards
Common verbs irregular in the preterite (past) tense
Translate to Spanish.
I looked for my shoes in every room in this house
Busqué mis zapatos en cada cuarto de esta casa
to look for - buscar. Note that buscar, like other -car ending verbs will change its stem from -c- to -qu- in the first person preterite
Translate to Spanish.
I already explained to you a thousand times how to do this
Ya te expliqué mil veces cómo hacer esto
to explain - explicar. Follows the same -c- to -qu- base change pattern as buscar
Translate to Spanish.
I practiced a lot, but you’re still better than I am
Practiqué mucho, pero todavía eres mejor que yo
to practice - practicar.
Translate to Spanish.
I used to have a lot of problems with that car, so I sold it
Tenía muchos problemas con ese carro, entonces lo vendí
problem - el problema
Translate to Spanish.
My husband never listens to me
Mi esposo nunca me escucha
to listen to - escuchar. Note that while in English, we use the preposition “to”, in Spanish no preposition is necessary with the verb escuchar
Translate to Spanish.
I am going to wait for my sister before going to the store
Voy a esperar a mi hermana antes de ir a la tienda
to wait for - esperar. Note that while in English, we use the preposition “for”, in Spanish no preposition is necessary. (In this sentence, a mi hermana simply uses a “personal a”)
Translate to Spanish.
I __hope so
Espero que sí
to hope - esperar. Note that the word esperar means both “to hope” and “to wait”
Translate to Spanish.
I took out the garbage last night
Saqué la basura anoche
garbage - la basura. Remember that sacar means “to take out”
Translate to Spanish.
I already handed in my homework, did you?
Ya entregué mi tarea, ¿y tú?
to hand in, to hand over - entregar
Translate to Spanish.
When I arrived home, my brother called to say that I didn’t pay for my drinks. I was so embarassed!
Cuando llegué a casa, mi hermano me llamó para decir que no pagué por mis bebidas. ¡Qué vergüenza!
to pay - pagar
Translate to Spanish.
I was angry with my sister, so I didn’t hug her
Estaba enojado con mi hermana; por eso no la abracé
to hug - abrazar. Note that abrazar like other -zar ending verbs, changes its stem from -z- to -c- in the first person preterite
Translate to Spanish.
I already began cooking, are you very hungry?
Ya empecé a cocinar, ¿tienes mucha hambre?
to begin - empezar. Follows the same -z- to -c- base change pattern as abrazar in the first person
Translate to Spanish.
This bread is too sweet because Carlos substituted half a cup of sugar for half a cup of salt
Este pan está demasiado dulce porque Carlos substituyó media taza de sal por media taza de azúcar
to substitute - substituir. Note that verbs like substituir, such as construir, change from -i- to -y- in the third person singular and plural (él, ellos)
Translate to Spanish.
Eduardo fell and broke his leg
Eduardo se cayó y se rompió la pierna
to fall - caerse. Follows the same -i- to -y- base change pattern as substituir in the third person singular and plural
Translate to Spanish.
Sir, you dropped something
Señor, se le cayó algo
to drop - caerse (a alguien). Note that Spanish doesn’t really have a verb “to drop” but uses caer (“to fall”) and makes it sound unintentional using the indirect agency sentence construction
Translate to Spanish.
I like you (as a friend)
Tú me caes bien
Note that to express “liking” someone (as a friend) in Spanish, we say that someone “falls well” for another person. E.g. Le caigo bien - “He likes me” (“I fall well for him”)
Translate to Spanish.
María does not like Julia
A María le cae mal Julia OR Julia le cae mal a María
to not like (as friend) - caerle mal. Note that we can use either of the two sentence orders. We can also say no le cae bien instead of le cae mal
Translate to Spanish.
Lucia was not prepared for the test, and it didn’t go well for her
Lucia no estaba preparada para el exámen, y no le fue bien
prepared - preparado
Translate to Spanish.
Marcos drove that truck for fifteen hours
Marcos condujo ese camión por quince horas
truck - el camión. Note that conducir, like other verbs ending in -ducir, has several irregularities in the preterite tense. Also note that many speakers use the word manejar to mean “to drive”
Translate to Spanish.
Ana read in the newspaper that it was going to snow
Ana leyó en el periódico que iba a nevar
newspaper - el periódico
Translate to Spanish.
Isn’t it so that you love this skirt? (i.e. Don’t you love…)
¿A qué no te encanta esta falda?
isn’t it so? - ¿a qué no?, ¿no es así?
Translate to Spanish.
Did you already read this news story? Isn’t it ridiculous?
¿Ya leiste esta noticia? ¿A qué no es ridícula?
a news item - una noticia
Translate to Spanish.
Did you already see the news? A man fell in front of a truck
¿Ya viste las noticias? Un hombre se cayó en frente de un camión
news - las noticias
Translate to Spanish.
Look! It’s the journalist from my favorite newspaper
¡Mira! Es el periodista de mi periódico favorito
journalist - el periodista. Note that words ending in -ista are masculine unless referring specifically to a female (e.g. la periodista)
Translate to Spanish.
It’s the rainy season in Mexico
Es la temporada de lluvia en México
season (event, crop) - temporada. Note that estación is usually used when talking about the four main seasons (fall, winter, summer, and spring), whereas temporada refers to a crop season or an event (rain season, snow season, baseball season, etc.)
Translate to Spanish.
They produced a lot of tomatoes in this season
Ellos produjeron muchos tomates en esta temporada
to produce - producir. Follows the same irregular conjugation pattern as conducir
Translate to Spanish.
My grandfather doesn’t produce tomatoes, but he produces onions
Mi abuelo no produce tomates, sino que produce cebollas
but, rather (when contradicting) - sino que. Note that sino is used when:
- when the part of the sentence before the conjunction is stated in the negative, and
- when the part after the conjunction directly contradicts what is negated in the first part
To put it mathematically, sino is used for “but” in sentences of type “not A but B”, where B contradicts A
Translate to Spanish.
It is neither rain season nor snow season
No es ni temporada de lluvia ni temporada de nieve
neither…nor - ni…ni
Translate to Spanish.
Either this journalist forgot the truth, or he lied
O a este periodista se le olvidó la verdad, _o _mintió
either…or - o…o
Translate to Spanish.
Last night we introduced our classmate Victoria to our family
Anoche presentamos nuestra compañera Victoria a nuestra familia
classmate - el/la compañero(a)
Translate to Spanish.
TO DRIVE (Preterite)
- I drove
- You drove
- He/She drove
- We drove
- You drove
- We drove
CONDUCIR (Tiempo Pretérito)
- Yo conduje
- Tú condujiste
- El/Ella/ Ud condujo
- Nosotros condujimos
- Vosotros condujisteis
- Ellos/Ellas/Uds condujeron
Translate to Spanish.
I translated this article from Spanish into English for my class
Traduje este artículo del español al inglés para mi clase
article - el artículo. Note the irregular preterite form of traducir (“to translate”), conjugated like conducir (“to drive”)
Translate to Spanish.
Maybe I write that article
Tal vez escribo ese artículo
maybe - tal vez, quizás
Translate to Spanish.
Pancho preferred going out alone than with us
Pancho prefirió salir solo que con nosotros
to prefer - preferir. Follows the same -e- to -i- bas change pattern as pedir in the preterite
Translate to Spanish.
Those men followed us from the car to the restaurant. We were very scared
Esos hombres nos siguieron desde el carro hasta el restaurante. Tuvimos mucho miedo
to follow - seguir.
Translate to Spanish.
I (f.) felt very abandoned when you left
Me sentí muy abandonada cuando te fuiste
abandoned - abandonado
Translate to Spanish.
TO ASK FOR (Preterite)
- I asked
- You asked
- He/She asked
- We asked
- You asked
- They asked
PEDIR (Tiempo Pretérito)
- Yo pedí
- Tú pediste
- El/Ella/Ud pidió
- Nosotros pedimos
- Vosotros pedisteis
- Ellos/Ellas/Uds pidieron
Translate to Spanish.
Esteban slept in that bed, not in this one
Esteban durmió en esa cama, no en ésta
bed - la cama. Note that dormir undergoes a stem change from -o- to -u- in the third person singular and plural of the preterite
Translate to Spanish.
Today was a sad day; many children died
Hoy fué un día triste; muchos niños murieron
to die - morir. Follows the same -o- to -u- base change pattern as dormir in the preterite tense
Translate to Spanish.
TO SLEEP (Preterite)
- I slept
- You slept
- He/She slept
- We slept
- You slept
- They slept
DORMIR (Tiempo Pretérito)
- Yo dormí
- Tú dormiste
- El/Ella/Ud durmió
- Nosotros dormimos
- Vosotros dormisteis
- Ellos/Ellas/Uds durmieron
Translate to Spanish.
I went to your office, but you weren’t there
Fui a tu oficina, pero no estabas allí
office - la oficina
Translate to Spanish.
Did you buy the furniture for your new office yet?
¿Ya compraste los muebles para tu nueva oficina?
furniture - los muebles. Note that Spanish uses the plural muebles (literally, “pieces of furniture”) where English uses a singular noun to describe all furniture
Translate to English.
- Yo quería viajar
- Yo quise viajar
- Quería viajar means “I wanted to travel”
- Quise viajar means “I tried to travel” (but probably failed)
Translate to Spanish.
We didn’t __bring your things; we forgot them
No __trajimos tus cosas; las olvidamos
to bring - traer. Note that verbs like traer undergo a base change from -ae- to -aj- in the preterite tense
Translate to Spanish.
TO BRING (Preterite)
- I brought
- You brought
- He/She brought
- We brought
- You brought
- They brought
TRAER (Tiempo Pretérito)
- Yo traje
- Tú trajiste
- El/Ella/Ud trajo
- Nosotros trajimos
- Vosotros trajisteis
- Ellos/Ellas/Uds trajeron
Translate to Spanish.
When I heard a loud noise, I called my parents
Cuando oí un ruido fuerte, llamé a mis padres
I heard - oí
Translate to Spanish.
You didn’t hear about what Pamela did, right?
No oíste lo que hizo Pamela, ¿verdad?
you heard - oíste
Translate to Spanish.
Maite is very embarassed because Roberto heard her talking about him
Maite está muy avergonzada porque Roberto la oyó hablando de él
he/she heard - oyó
Translate to Spanish.
We didn’t hear when you called our names
No oímos cuando llamaste nuestros nombres
we heard - oímos
Translate to Spanish.
Didn’t you (vosotros) hear the noise that was coming from that house?
¿No oísteis el ruido que venía de esa casa?
you (vosotros) heard - oísteis
Translate to Spanish.
T__hey heard the phone ring
Oyeron sonar el teléfono
they heard - oyeron
Translate to Spanish.
TO HEAR (Preterite)
- I heard
- You heard
- He/She heard
- We heard
- You heard
- They heard
OIR (Tiempo Pretérito)
- Yo oí
- Tú oíste
- El/Ella/Ud oyó
- Nosotros oímos
- Vosotros oísteis
- Ellos/Ellas/Uds oyeron
Translate to Spanish.
What did he ask your secretary?
¿Qué le pidió a tu secretaria?
secretary - el/la secretario(a). Note that pedir undergoes an -e- to -i- stem change in the singular and plural 3rd person (él, ellos) of the preterite