Lesson 12 Flashcards
Telling time, days, months, and ordinal numbers
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It is time to eat breakfast; are you going to cook for us?
Es hora de desayunar; ¿vas a cocinar para nosotros?
time - la hora. La hora literally means “the hour”
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What time is it?
¿Qué hora es?
What time is it? - ¿Qué hora es?. In some countries, you may also hear people use the plural ¿Qué horas son?
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It is eight o’clock in the morning
Son las ocho de la mañana
It is __ o’clock - Son las ___. Note that the conjugation of the verb ser must agree with the number it if referring to. “It is one o’clock” would be Es la una
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I__t is nine twenty-five (9:25) in the morning
Son las nueve y veinticinco de la mañana
It is __:___ - Son las __ y __. Note that, when spoken, the hours and minutes of time are separated by the conjunction y
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The class begins at two in the afternoon
La clase empieza a las dos de la tarde
afternoon - la tarde. Remember to use the article la. Tarde by itself means “late”
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Why are you awake at four in the morning?
¿Por qué estás despierto a las cuatro de la madrugada?
before dawn - la madrugada
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Maricarmen is asleep because it is one fifteen (1:15) in the morning
Maricarmen está dormida porque es la una y cuarto de la mañana
it is __ 15 - son las / es la __ y cuarto. Note that cuarto also means “a quarter” and that Spanish speakers generally say cuarto instead of quince when speaking of time
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It is three thirty (3:30) and I am very hungry; do you want to eat lunch?
Son las tres y media y tengo mucha hambre; ¿quieres almorzar?
It is __ thirty - son las / es la __ y media
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I want less food
Quiero menos comida
minus, less - menos
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It is two forty-five (2:45); where is your sister?
Son las tres menos cuarto; ¿dónde está tu hermana?
it is __45 - son las/es la __menos cuarto. Note that you literally say “It is three minus a quarter”. You usually tell the time for minutes 31-59 by counting backwards from the next full hour
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There are only sixteen students in the classroom, so two are missing
Sólo hay dieciséis estudiantes en la clase, entonces faltan dos
to be missing, to lack - faltar. Note that faltar is conjugated like any regular -ar ending verb. Faltar is used when aiming toward a goal. When conveying how much is left when taken from an original whole, use quedar
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There are 10 minutes left before six (5:50), do you want to go to the restaurant?
Faltan diez para las séis, ¿quieres ir al restaurante?
__minutes left - faltar + __ + para. Note that this is an alternative construction to subtracting minutes from the hour
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He has a lack of respect
Tiene una falta de respeto
a lack - una falta
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I am going to travel from New York to Washington in four hours
Voy a viajar desde Nueva York hasta Washington en cuatro horas
from (place) to (place) - desde (lugar) hasta (lugar)
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She is asleep since yesterday
Ella está dormida desde ayer
from (time), since - desde. Note that desde means “since” when talking about time, and it means “from” when talking about space or distance
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It __has been raining for three hours
Hace tres horas que está lloviendo
to have been __ for (time) - hace (tiempo) que. This is usually the preferred way of expressing duration in Spanish. The direct translation is more like: “It makes 3 hours that it is raining.”
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It is nine at night
Son las nueve de la noche
night - la noche
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Is it noon in México?
¿Es mediodía en México?
noon - el mediodía
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It is midnight and the baby is awake. Tomorrow is not going to be a good day
Es medianoche y el bebé está despierto. Mañana no va a ser un buen día
midnight - la medianoche
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I always go out with my friends at night
Siempre salgo con mis amigos de noche
at night - de noche. Be careful not to confuse de noche (“at night”) with anoche (“last night”)
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Jaime is going to pass by my house
Jaime va a pasar por mi casa
to pass - pasar
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Time passes by very quickly
El tiempo pasa muy rápido
time - el tiempo. Note that tiempo is used when you want to talk about “time” as an entity, as in “Time goes by slowly”. Hora is used when you mean a more specific period of time, as in “It is time to eat”, Es hora de comer.
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You never arrive on time
Nunca llegas a tiempo
on time - a tiempo
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He is going to cook eight times this week
Va a cocinar ocho veces esta semana
time - la vez. Note that vez expresses repetition, which tiempo and hora cannot
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I sometimes go out at night
A veces salgo de noche
sometimes - a veces
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Jaime isn’t going to go to the party, but I’m going anyway
Jaime no va a ir a la fiesta, pero yo voy a ir de todos modos
anyway - de todos modos
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You are going to go out with Sofia’s boyfriend? Really?!
¿Vas a salir con el novio de Sofia? ¿En serio?
really? (to express shock or surprise) - ¿de veras?, ¿en serio?
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I like traveling from time to time
Me gusta viajar de vez en cuando
from time to time - de vez en cuando
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Do you know when they will arrive?
¿Sabes cuando van a llegar?
to arrive - llegar. Note that llegar is conjugated like any regular -ar ending verb
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Xavier and Alejandro will arrive in one hour
Xavier y Alejandro van a llegar en una hora
hour - una hora. Remember that hora means both “time” and “hour”
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He arrives in five minutes
Llega en cinco minutos
minute - el minuto
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It is the first day of school
Es el _prime_r día de clases
first - primer, primero. Note that primero becomes primer when preceding a singular, masculine noun
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Jorge is going to be the first one to arrive at the museum
Jorge va a ser el primero en llegar al museo
museum - el museo. Note that the ordinal number must be followed by en (i.e. Voy a ser el primero en comer, el primero en conducir, etc.)
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These are the first weeks of school
Éstas son las primeras semanas de clases
week - la semana
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Sunday is the first day of the week
El domingo es el primer día de la semana
Sunday - domingo. Note that days of the week, like nationalities, are not capitalized in Spanish. Also note that in some Spanish-speaking countries, Monday is considered the first day of the week
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Do you have a clock?
¿Tienes un reloj?
clock - el reloj
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It is the second time that I cook this week
Es la segunda vez que cocino esta semana
second - segundo
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Monday is the second day of the week
El lunes es el segundo día de la semana
Monday - lunes
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Which car is it? It’s the third one
¿Cuál carro es? Es el tercero
third - tercer, tercero. Note that tercero behaves just like primero in that it drops the o when it preceds a singular, masculine noun
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Tuesday is the third day of the week
El martes es el tercer día de la semana
Tuesday - martes
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Rosa is happy because her boyfriend will arrive in fourth place
Rosa está contenta porque su novio va a llegar en cuarto lugar
fourth - cuarto
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Wednesday is the fourth day of the week
El miércoles es el cuarto día de la semana
Wednesday - miércoles
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I am the fifth daughter in my family
Soy la quinta hija en mi familia
fifth - quinto
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Thursday is the fifth day of the week
El jueves es el quinto día de la semana
Thursday - jueves
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This is the sixth book that I have to read for that class
Este es el sexto libro que tengo que leer para esa clase
sixth - sexto
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I am very happy because it is Friday
Estoy muy feliz porque es viernes
Friday - viernes
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Can you believe that my aunt is going to have her seventh son in only two weeks?
¿Puedes creer que mi tía va a tener a su séptimo hijo en sólo dos semanas?
seventh - séptimo
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This Saturday we are all going to Spain
Este sábado vamos todos para España
Saturday - sábado
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Pamela, what are you going to do this weekend?
Pamela, ¿qué vas a hacer este fin de semana?
weekend - el fin de semana
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I am going to see my girlfriend on Tuesday
Voy a ver a mi novia el martes
Note that we use the definite article to denote days of the week (e.g. “on Tuesday” translates to el martes, not *en martes*)
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We play soccer on Fridays
Jugamos al fútbol los viernes
Note that we do not change the name of the week to make it plural (e.g. los viernes, not *los vierneses*)
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My father is the eighth son in his family
Mi papá es el octavo hijo en su familia
eighth - octavo
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I never break anything, right mom?
Yo nunca rompo nada, ¿verdad mamá?
to break - romper
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Isn’t this the ninth time that Irene breaks a glass?
¿No es ésta la novena vez que Irene rompe un vaso?
ninth - noveno
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My brother is sad because he is in tenth place
Mi hermano está triste porque está en décimo lugar
tenth - décimo
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What are the ordinal numbers 1-10 (first, second, third, etc.) in Spanish?
primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto, quinto, sexto, séptimo, octavo, noveno, décimo
In Spanish, although ordinal numbers do exist past “tenth”, we usually just use the regular cardinal number for larger values. These ordinal numbers, primero through décimo, are the key ones to know
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When is your birthday? My birthday is this month
¿Cuando es tu cumpleaños? Mi cumpleaños es este mes
month - el mes
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In January it is very cold in the United States
En enero hace mucho frío en los Estados Unidos
January - enero. Note that months, like days of the week and nationalities, are not capitalized in Spanish
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Where Pedro lives, it always snows in February
Donde vive Pedro, siempre nieva en febrero
February - febrero
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Of all the seasons, spring is my favorite one
De todas las estaciones, la primavera es mi favorita
favorite - favorito. Note that unless replaced by other modifiers such as “each”, a definite article must precede days and seasons
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Ricardo is my parents’ preferred son
Ricardo es el hijo preferido de mis padres
preferred - preferido
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My birthday is in March; that’s why it is my favorite month
Mi cumpleaños es en marzo; por eso es mi mes favorito
March - marzo
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It is true, it always rains a lot in April
Es verdad, siempre llueve mucho en abril
April - abril
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Mother’s Day is in May; are you going to buy a gift for your mom?
El Día de las Madres es en mayo; ¿vas a comprar un regalo para tu mamá?
May - mayo
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I am happy because it is June. Summer is already going to begin
Estoy contento porque es junio. El verano ya va a empezar
June - junio
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I always go to the beach with my friends and family in July
Siempre voy a la playa con mis amigos y mi familia en julio
July - julio
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In my grandparents’ house in Mexico, it is always so hot in August
En la casa de mis abuelos en México, siempre hace tanto calor en agosto
August - agosto
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Ana’s favorite month is September because her favorite season is the fall
El mes favorito de Ana es septiembre porque su estación favorita es el otoño
September - septiembre
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Is it cold in October where you live?
¿Hace frío en octubre donde vives tú?
October - octubre
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Do you always celebrate your birthday?
¿Siempre celebras tu cumpleaños?
to celebrate - celebrar. Note that celebrar is conjugated like any regular - ar ending verb
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Oscar’s actions are always good
Las acciones de Oscar siempre son buenas
action - la acción
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Are your families going to celebrate Thanksgiving in November?
¿Van a celebrar sus familias el Día de Acción de Gracias en noviembre?
November - noviembre. Note that “Thanksgiving” is literally translated as “day of action of thanks”
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What are you going to buy for Christmas?
¿Qué vas a comprar para Navidad?
Christmas - Navidad
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Is your family going to celebrate Christmas this December?
¿Va a celebrar tu familia Navidad este diciembre?
December - diciembre
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Now I’m going to study with my friends for the exam
Ahora voy a estudiar con mis amigos para el exámen
now - ahora
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Excuse me, but do you (ud) know what time is it?
Perdón, pero ¿sabe usted qué hora es?
excuse me, sorry- perdón, lo siento. Lo siento is a bit more serious of an apology, and it literally means “I feel it”
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I’m sorry, but I’m going to be late
Lo siento, pero voy a llegar tarde
to be late, to arrive late - llegar tarde
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Which game do you want to play?
¿Cuál juego quieres jugar?
which - cuál
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What is today’s date?
¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?
today’s date - la fecha de hoy. Note that we usually use the word cuál (“which”) rather than qué (“what”) to ask about the date
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It’s the fifth of May
Es el cinco de mayo
Note that for dates, we simply use the cardinal number (e.g., cinco) rather than the ordinal number (e.g. quinto)
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Next year I am going to be a good student
El próximo año voy a ser un buen estudiante
next - próximo. Note that próximo is one of the few adjectives that precedes the noun that it describes
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Someday I will be a teacher like my aunt Pati
Algún día voy a ser maestra como mi tía Pati
someday - algún día
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Somehow I am going to study for all of my tests and write all of my essays
De alguna manera voy a estudiar para todos mis exámenes y voy a escribir todos mis ensayos
somehow - de alguna manera, de algún modo
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I can’t find my books anywhere
No puedo encontrar mis libros en ninguna parte
nowhere, anywhere - en ninguna parte
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There are a million books in this library
Hay un millón de libros en esta biblioteca
a million - un millón. Note that, in Spanish, “million” is a noun and must be followed by the preposition de whenever it is used with another noun