Lesson 16 Flashcards
tvaṃ kiṃ cintayasi
What are you thinking about?
devaḥ kiṃ cintayati
What are you thinking about, sir?
tvaṃ paṇḍita iva vadasi
You speak like a scholar.
devaḥ paṇḍitaḥ iva vadati
You speak like a scholar, sir.
devaḥ kutra gacchati
Where are you going, sir?
kutas devo evaṃ vadati
Why do you say like that, sir?
api tvaṃ puṣpena tuṣyasi
Do you like the flower?
api devaḥ puṣpena tuṣyati
Do you like the flower, sir?
api tvaṃ na smarasi
Don’t you remember?
api devo na smarati
Don’t you remember, sir?
kutas tvaṃ tatra gacchasi
Why are you going there?
kutas āryas tatra gacchati
Why are you going there, sir?
paṇḍita āryaḥ
You are a scholar, sir.
āryaḥ kim anvicchati
What are you looking for, sir?
apy āryaḥ granthena tuṣyati
Are you pleased with the book. sir?
kadā tvaṃ śivaṃ pūjayasi
When do you worship Śiva?
kadāryaḥ śivaṃ pūjayati
When do you worship Śiva, sir?
āryaḥ kiṃ karoti
What are you doing, sir?
devaṃ namāmi
I bow to Your Majesty.
devasya putram upadiśāmi
I am teaching His Majesty’s son.
ārye sniḥyāmi
I like the brahmin.
āryāya jalaṃ prayacchāmi
I offer water to the brahmin.
ka āryeṇa saha vasati
Who lives with the brahmin?
siṃho ‘pi devāt trasati
Even the lion is afraid of His Majesty.
bhavān kiṃ karoti
What are you doing[, your honor]?
bhavān kutra gacchati
Where are you going[, your honor]?
kutas bhavān evaṃ vadati
Why do you say like that, sir?
bhavān ācāryo vadati
You are speaking to the teacher, sir.
bhavān nṛpasya prāsādaṃ praviśati
You are entering the palace of the king, sir.
api bhavān phalena tuṣyati
Do you like the fruit, sir?
kutas tvaṃ hasasi
Why are you laughing?
kuto bhavān hasati
Why are you laughing, sir?
api bhavān biḍālaṃ paśyati
Do you see the cat, sir?
bhavāṃs takṣati
You are building[, sir].
bhavāṃs tatra gacchati
You are going there[, sir].
kutas bhavāṃs trasati
Why are you afraid, sir?
tvaṃ ṭīkayasi
You are writing a commentary.
bhavāṃṣ ṭīkayati
You are writing a commentary, sir.
ahaṃ vṛkṣaṃ paśyāmi
I see a tree.
ahaṃ vṛkṣān paśyāmi
I see trees.
aham aśvam anvicchāmi
I am looking for a horse.
ahaṃ aśvān anvicchāmi
I’m looking for horses.
ahaṃ grāmaṃ na gacchāmi
I’m not going to the village.
ahaṃ grāmān na gacchāmi
I’m not going to/from the villages.
ahaṃ bālān paśyāmi
I see boys.
ahaṃ granthān paṭhāmi
I recite the books.
ahaṃ eṇān anudhāvāmi
I am chasing the deer.
vayam aśramān gacchāmaḥ
We are going to the hermitages.
yūyam ācāryān ākarṇayatha
You all are listening to the teachers.
yūyaṃ śiṣyān upadiśatha
You all are teaching the pupils.
vayaṃ vṛkṣān na gacchāmaḥ
We are not going to/from the trees.
khagā nīḍān mohād gacchanti
The birds go to/from the nests out of folly.
tvam aśvaṃ tudasi
You hit the horse.
tvam aśvāṃs tudasi
You hit the horses.
vayaṃ prāsādaṃ carāmaḥ
We are walking to the palace.
vayaṃ prāsādāṃś carāmaḥ
We are walking to the palaces.
ahaṃ cāpān dhārayāmi
I am holdning the bows.