Lesson 15 Flashcards
tatra vṛkṣaḥ
There is a tree.
tatra vṛkṣau
There are two trees.
tatra vṛkṣāḥ
There are [more than two] trees.
iha narāḥ
Here are the men.
tatra nṛpasya putraḥ
There is the son of the king.
tatra nṛpasya putrāḥ
There are the sons of the king.
tatra lekhāḥ
There are letters.
There are horses.
kutra potāḥ
Where are the boats?
iha phalāni
Here are fruits.
tatra vanam
There is a forest.
tatra vanāni
There are forests.
tatra nagarāni
There are cities.
iha puṣpam
Here is a flower.
iha puṣpāṇi
Here are flowers.
kutra cchattram
Where is the umbrella?
kutra cchattrāni
Where are the umbrellas?
gajau pibataḥ
Both elephants are drinking.
gajāḥ pibanti
The elephants are drinking.
gajo ‘śvaś ca pibataḥ
The elephant and the horse are drinking.
gajo ‘śva uṣṭraś ca pibanti
The elephant, the horse and the camel are drinking.
haṃsāḥ patanti
The geese are falling.
padmāni jale rohanti
Lotus flowers grow in water.
śiṣyāḥ paṇḍitaṃ namanti
The pupils bow to the scholar.
pānthāḥ kākaṃ na paśyanti
The travellers do not see the crow.
phalāni vane rohanti
Fruits grow in the forest.
chattrāni prāsāde tiṣṭhanti
The sun-shades are standing in the castle.
tatra gajas tiṣṭhati
An elephant stands there.
tatra gajās tiṣṭhanti
Elephants stand there.
tatra gajaś carati
An elephant walks there.
tatra gajāś caranti
Elephants walk there.
gajo gacchati
The elephant goes.
gajā gacchanti
The elephants go.
śiṣyo namati
The pupil bows
śiṣyā namanti
The pupils bow.
paṇḍita āgacchati
The scholar comes.
paṇḍitā āgacchanti
The scholars come.
dāsa uṣṭram anvicchati
The servant looks for the camel.
dāsā uṣṭram anvicchanti
The servants look for the camel.
dāso ‘śvam anvicchati
The servant looks for the horse.
dāsā aśvam anvicchanti
The servants look for the horse.
ācāryā granthena tuṣyanti
Teachers like books
narāḥ kiṃ kurvanti
What are the men doing?
kākaḥ khāgo ‘sti
The crow is a bird.
kākāḥ khāgāḥ santi
The crows are birds.
brāhmaṇāḥ kiṃ kurvanti
What are the brahmins doing?
dāṣāś cāpaṃ kurvanti
The servants are making a bow.
nṛpasya putrāḥ paṇḍitāḥ santi
The king’s sons are scholars.
tatra vṛkṣo nāsti
There is no tree.
tatra vṛkṣā na santi
There are no trees.
bālaḥ kiṃ cin na karoti
The boy is not doing anything.
bālāḥ kiṃ cin na kurvanti
The boys are not doing anything.
phalāni puṣpāni na santi
Fruits are not flowers.
vayam ācāryāḥ
We are teachers.
vayam vyādhāḥ
We are hunters.
yūyaṃ caurāḥ
You are thieves.
yūyaṃ paṇḍitāḥ
You are scholars.
kutra yūyam
Who are [all of] you?
kutra vayam
Who are we [all]?
vayam pibāmaḥ
We drink.
yūyam upadiśatha
You [all] teach.
vayaṃ na trasāmaḥ
We are not afraid.
kutas tvaṃ trasasi
Why are you afraid?
kuto yūyaṃ trasatha
Why are you all afraid?
vayam āhāram icchāmaḥ
We all want food.
yūyam āhāram anvicchatha
You all look for food.
kutra yūyam vasatha
Where do you all live?
vayaṃ bāle snihyāmaḥ
We are all fond of the boy
tvaṃ kathaṃ nagaraṃ takṣasi
How are you building the city?
yūyaṃ kathaṃ nagaraṃ takṣatha
How are you all building the city?
kutas tvam āhāraṃ necchasi
Why don’t you want food?
kutas yūyam āhāraṃ necchatha
Why don’t you all want food?
ihāhaṃ jalam anvicchāmi
Here I look for water.
iha vayaṃ jalam anvicchāmaḥ
Here we all look for water.
ahaṃ kiṃ karomi
What am I doing?
vayaṃ kiṃ kurmaḥ
What are we doing?
ahaṃ paṇḍito ‘smi
I am a scholar.
vayaṃ paṇḍitāḥ smaḥ
We are scholars.
tvaṃ kiṃ karoṣi
What are you doing?
yūyaṃ kiṃ kurutha
What are you all doing?
tvaṃ śiṣyo ‘si
You are a pupil.
yūyaṃ śiṣyāḥ stha
You are pupils.
ahaṃ kiṃ cin na karomi
I am not doing anything.
vayaṃ kiṃ cin na kurmaḥ
We are not doing anything.
vayaṃ kiṃ cit kurmaḥ
We are doing something.
kuto yūyam evaṃ kurutha
Why are you all doing like that?
kutas tvam evaṃ karoṣi?
Why are you doing like that?
ahaṃ nṛpo ‘smi
I am the king.
vayaṃ nṛpāḥ smaḥ
We are kings.
ahaṃ paṇḍito nāsmi
I am not a scholar.
vayaṃ paṇḍitāḥ na smaḥ
We are not scholars.
vayam vyādhāḥ smaḥ
We are hunters.
tvaṃ devo ‘si
You are a god.
yūyaṃ devāḥ stha
You are gods.
tvaṃ nṛpasya putro ‘si
You are the king’s son.
yūyaṃ nṛpasya putrāḥ stha
You are the king’s sons.
tvaṃ bāla evāsi
You are just a boy.
yūyaṃ bālā eva stha
You are just boys.
kathaṃ tvaṃ ghaṭaṃ karosi
How do you make a jar?
kathaṃ yūyaṃ ghaṭaṃ kurutha
How do you all make a jar?
paścād aham evaṃ karomi
Later I will do so.
paścād vayam evaṃ kurmaḥ
Later we will do so.
ādeśa- (m)
order, command
rāmasyādeśaṃ karoti
He obeys Rāma’s command.
mahārāja- (m)
sṛgāla- (m)
rāva- (m)
yell, howl
rāvaṃ karoti
varṇa- (m)
hrada- (m)
pond, lake
nīlībhāṇḍa- (n)
vat of indigo
padma- (n)
puṣpa- (n)
bhūtala- (n)
vana- (n)
puts, places
nūnam (adv)
certainly, surely