Lesson 12 Flashcards
Translation from Sanskrit to English
kaś cit kukkuraṃ corayati
Someone is stealing the dog.
kaś cic chāgaṃ corayati
Someone is stealing the goat.
kaś cit khaḍgaṃ dhārayati
Someone holds the sword.
kaś cic cāpaṃ dhārayati
Someone holds the bow.
bharato grāmād dhāvati
Bharata runs from the village.
bharato grāmāc carati
Bharata walks from the village.
ahaṃ kadā cid dhāvāmi
I sometimes run.
ahaṃ kadā cic carāmi
I sometimes walk.
iha kaś cid vasati
Someone lives here.
iha kaś cij jīvati
Someone is living here.
kaś cid deśaṃ rakṣati
Someone protects the country.
kaś cij janaṃ rakṣati
Someone protects the people.
kaś cin na jayati
Nobody wins.
rāmaḥ śaraṃ vahati
Rāma carries an arrow.
kaś cic charaṃ vahati
Someone carries an arrow.
kaś cic chiṣyam upadiśati
Someone is teaching the pupil.
vyādhaḥ śaśam anudhāvati
The hunter is chasing the hare.
kaś cic chaśam anudhāvati
Someone is chasing the hare.
kaś cit khaḍgān na trasati
Nobody is afraid of a sword.
kaś cic charān na trasati.
Nobody is afraid of an arrow.
kaś cil lekhaṃ likhati
Someone writes the letter.
kadā cil lekhaṃ paṭhāmi
Sometime I’ll read the letter.
mohāl lekhaṃ na paṭhasi
Out of folly you do not read the letter.
kaś cid dhaṃsaṃ paśyati
Someone looks at the goose.
kaś cid dhasati
Someone is laughing.
rāmo hastena lekhaṃ dhārayati
Rāma is holding the letter in his hand.
kaś cid dhastena lekhaṃ dhārayati
Someone is holding the letter in his hand.
brahmaṇasya śiṣyaḥ paṭhati
The brahmin’s pupil is reading.
kutra śiṣyasya granthaḥ
Where is the pupil’s book?
rāmo bharatasyāśvena vahati
Rāma rides on Bharata’s horse.
rāmo deśasya nṛpaṃ namati
Rāma bows to the king of the country.
paṇḍitasya dāsaḥ śiṣyāya granthaṃ prayacchati
The scholar’s servant gives the book to the pupil.
dāsaḥ paṇḍitasya śiṣyāya granthaṃ prayacchati
The servant gives the book to the scholar’s pupil.
dāsaḥ śiṣyāya paṇḍitasya granthaṃ prayacchati
The servant gives the scholar’s book to the pupil.
nṛpasya sūtaḥ prāsādād aśvena vahati
The king’s charioteer rides from the palace on a horse.
sūto nṛpasya prāsādād aśvena vahati
The charioteer rides from the kings palace on a horse.
sūtaḥ prāsādān nṛpasyāśvena vahati
The charioteer rides from the palace on the king’s horse.
ācārya āhāraṃ bālasya ghaṭena pacati
The teacher cooks food in the boy’s pot.
bālasyācārya āhāraṃ ghaṭena pacati
The boy’s teacher cooks food in a pot.
ācāryo bālasyāhāraṃ ghaṭena pacati
The teacher cooks the boy’s food in a pot.
tvaṃ kutra vasasi
Where do you live?
aham aśrame vasāmi
I live in the hermitage.
vyādho grāme carati
The hunter walks in the village.
rāmo mārge carati
Rāma walks on the road.
kaś cit samudre potaṃ paśyati
Somebody sees a boat on the ocean
rāmaḥ prāsāde praviśati
Rāma enters the palace.
sītā grāme gacchati
Sītā goes to the village.
somadattaḥ samudre gacchati
Somadatta goes to the ocean.
sītā rāme snihyati
Sītā is fond of Rāma.
ācārya śiṣye snihyati
The teacher likes the pupil.
nṛipaḥ paṇḍite snihyati
The king likes the scholar.
sūto nṛpasyāśve na snihyati
The charioteer does not like the king’s horse.
kāma- (m)
desire, love
jana- (m)
deśa- (m)
country, place
nīḍa- (m)
putra- (m)
loka- (m)
descends, gets down
wins, conquers
snihyati (+loc)
is fond of, likes
for a long time
therefore; thereupon; after that