Legal & Regulatory Compliance (L3) Sewery Zoo Flashcards
What issues did you encounter when advising your client?
The law states that buildings and other structures that pre-date 1948 and are within the curtilage of a listed building are to treated as part of the listed building.
Why did DEFRA issue a non-compliance report?
- The zoo received a non-compliance report, as they did not meet the requirements for hand washing facilities
DEFRA Industry Code of Practice provide recommendations for handwashing
What is the legislation for public zoos?
- The Zoo Licensing Act 1981
Must be managed in accordance with: ‘Standards of Modern Zoo Practice’
What were the requirements for suitable handwashing facilities?
Standards of Modern Zoo Practice:
- Soap and running hot and cold, or warm water followed by hand drying
- Recommends liquid soap
Why did you consult with the Conservation Officer?
- The only practicable route for the mechanical pipework was from the toilets in the building adjacent to the proposed hand wash station
- The hot and cold water feed needed to pass through the external wall of the listed building
- Drainage was not an issue, as drainage was already available within the external area
What was the fee for the Listed Building Consent?
How long was the application process?
10 weeks.
- Typically, Listed Building Consent can take between 8 - 12 weeks
- Also depends upon the scale and complexity of the works/development
Why did the routing of the mechanical services require Listed Building Consent?
The proposed hand wash station required two 18mm holes through the wall to allow for the mechanical pipework for the hand wash station to connect to the existing hot and cold water supply
Did you involve anyone else in the design?
I involved a mechanical engineer for a specification to ensure quality of workmanship and to ensure compliance with the regulations including Water Regulations Advisory Scheme
What advice did you give your client on installing the hand wash facilities?
I advised the client the existing arrangement of using hand sanitisers was not sufficient and new facilities would need installing with hot and cold running water and appropriate means of hand drying .
Why did it matter that the building was within the curtilage of a listed building?
The proposed building was within the curtilage of grade I listed building and the law states any property within the curtilage of a listed building constructed pre 1948, that building becomes part of the listing. This triggered the requirement for Listed Building Consent.
What works were you doing that triggered the need for listed building consent and what is listed building consent?
I was drilling holes through the building fabric for mechanical services.
A legal requirement under the legislation Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas) Act 1990
What advice did you give to the client in relation to the listed building consent?
I advised the client that we proceed with a listed building consent application for the installation of the handwashing facilities.
What was your application made up of?
-The application itself with a supporting statement from the Conservation Officer
- Drawings (Location & Block Plan, Existing and Proposed Plans)
- Heritage Statement
- Supporting documentation (i.e. reports, surveys, photographs)
Did you consider any other form of hand wash facilities prior to installing the facilities?
Yes, the Zoo already had hand sanitisers situated around the site.
How far was the pipe run, how did you minimise the impact on the listed building choosing the location of the pipe run; where did you bring the services from?
To minimise the impact of the services, I advised drilling two 20mm holes through the adjacent external wall which was a toilet block. This was ideal to minimise the impact of the services on the building.