Design & Specification (L2) Hallgate Primary - Classrooms Flashcards
Explain you brief, what was the objective of the project?
The current arrangement was you had to pass through one classroom to get to another. This is disruptive and not ideal for the school. My brief was to introduce a corridor providing accessing to both classrooms without compromising the existing arrangement of the rooms.
What is Building Bulletin; does this supersede the Building Regulations?
No. The Building Bulletin is guidance for school buildings it does not supersede the Building Regulations.
What was the construction of the partition walls and did you follow any guidance?
30 minutes fire rated walls.
The wall build up was:
15mm plasterboard and skim finish both sides
12mm plywood both sides
4 x 2” timber wall with studs at 400mm centres intumescent sealant to the perimeter of the frame.
50mm Isover Acoustic Insulation
I referred to building bulletin 93 and 100 for acoustic and fire requirements.
Was anyone else involved in the scheme, if so, what were their duties and how did you coordinate with them as Principal Designer?
Electrical engineers for the lighting, sockets and network cables.
What documentation did you comply with?
Approved Document B Vol 2
Approved Document E - resistance to sound
Approved Document M Vol 2 - Access in and around buildings
What type of specification did you use and why?
Prescribed specification
It gave me greater control and certainty on the finished product.
Could you have used another form of specification; if so, which?
Performance specification.
What were your key design considerations?
Corridor widths, fire resisting walls, spatial requirements for the classrooms, lighting, fire safety design i.e. wayfinding.
What are the types of noise transmission?
Impact and Airborne