leg Flashcards
exam 2
What is the sole/plantar region of the foot?
The bottom surface of the foot
What does the dorsum/dorsal region refer to?
The top surface of the foot
What is the heel region of the foot?
The area superficial to the calcaneus
What is the ball of the foot?
The area superficial to the medial metatarsals (MTs)
What is the big toe also known as?
Hallux (or digit 1)
What is the sinus tarsi?
A hollow of the foot, a tunnel or tube between the talus and calcaneus
What syndrome is characterized by lateral hindfoot pain and swelling?
Often results from too much standing or traumatic injury
What bones are included in the hindfoot?
Calcaneus and Talus
What bones are included in the midfoot?
Navicular, Cuboid, Cuneiforms
What bones are included in the forefoot?
Metatarsals (MTs) and Phalanges
How many phalanges are found in the foot?
14, not 15
What are the special tarsals of the foot?
Calcaneus, Talus, Navicular, Cuboid, Cuneiforms (1-3)
What is the calcaneus also known as?
The heel bone
What is the primary function of the talus?
Participates in the ankle joint
What is dorsiflexion?
Flexion of the ankle joint, e.g., walking on an incline
What is plantarflexion?
Pushing toes toward the ground, e.g., tippy toes
What is inversion of the foot?
Movement of the sole of the foot toward the median plane
What is eversion of the foot?
Movement of the sole of the foot away from the median plane
How many compartments are in the leg?
3 compartments: Anterior, Lateral, Posterior
What is the innervation of the anterior leg compartment?
Deep fibular nerve
What is the innervation of the lateral leg compartment?
Superficial fibular nerve
What is the innervation of the posterior leg compartment?
Tibial nerve
What muscles are included in the anterior leg?
Dorsiflexors of ankle, Extensors of digits (toes)
What is the origin of the tibialis anterior muscle?
Tibia (lateral condyle, superior-lateral surface) & Interosseous membrane
What is the action of the extensor digitorum longus muscle?
Extension of digits 2-5, Dorsiflexion of ankle joint
What is the origin of the fibularis longus muscle?
Fibula (head, superior surface)
What is the primary action of the gastrocnemius muscle?
Plantar flexion of ankle joint (when knee extended)