lecture, slide 6, development Flashcards
embryonic development cycle
a fertilized egg is also called a
gamete formation is
the maturation and forming of sperm and egg
define cleavage
rapid cellular growth, that leads to a multicellular embryo
after cleavage has produced about 100 cells the embryo is referred to as a blastula
an embryo transforms from a one-dimensional layer of epithelial cells, a blastula, and reorganizes into a multilayered and multidimensional structure called the gastrula
define gasturaltion
germ layers form as embryo develops
define organogenesis
the formation of body organs and differing cells with differing functions
define blastocoel
fluid filled cavity
gastrulation cycle
- blastocoel
- blastula
- gastrulation occurs
- early gastrula
- late gastrula
what do germ layers do
each germ layer produces certain tissues or cells during embryonic development, germ layers will develop into all other tissues, organs, and so on
what are the names of the germ layers
The three germ layers are the endoderm, the ectoderm, and the mesoderm
the invagination of a gastrocoel (archenteron; center pouch) forms the
forms the gut cavity and blastopore (single opening)
what is the ectoderm
one of the germ layers responsible for the formation of things such as skin and the nervous system
what is the endoderm
one of the germ layers responsible for the formation of the digestive system
what is the mesoderm
one of the germ layers responsible for the formation of muscles, circulatory systems, urogenital systems
difference between diploblastic and triploblastic
diploblastic animals only contain the ectoderm and endoderm (sponges and cnidarians)
while triploblastic animals (all other animals) contain the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
define hox genes
Doesn’t code for parts, but will specify locations for parts to develop along anterior-posterior axis
Activate or block other genes involved in development
define triploblastic
having a body derived from 3 germ layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm)
With protostomes (an organism who’s mouth develops from a primary opening such as worms), the blastopore becomes the _______
with deuterostomes (organisms who’s first/primary opening is the anus), the blastopore becomes the _________