WHAT ARE THE 2 theories/
dual model approach (coltheart et al 2001)
and connections triangle model (plaut et al 1996)
dual route model- route 1
grapheme phoneme conversion= printed word- orthographic analysis – grapheme phoneme conversion- speech. This suggests we convert spelling of grapheme into phoneme allowing accurate perception of regular words (when spelling and sound correspond)
used for regular words
dual route model- route 2
(lexicon and semantic knowledge)= print- orthographic analysis- orthographic input lexicon- semantic system- phonological output lexicon- speech. Lexicon regards to memory where complex words and meanings are stored . Semantic system regards to top down level of meaning to words.
used for when spelling and sound do not match each other
connectionist triangle model
Has 2 routes from spelling to sound. Direct route via spelling and sound and indirect route via word meaning.
Emphasis on semantics in this model compared to dual route model