what is surface dyslexia
difficulties in reading irregular words such as ‘pint’ ‘the’ ‘was’
where spelling does not map onto sound
surface dyslexia links
The duel route model suggests they rely exclusively on grapheme-phoneme conversion which is why they cant read these words consistently. The triangle model suggest its due to a semantic deficit.
what is phonological dyslexia
difficulties reading words and non-words (pseudowords) and distinguishing between the 2.
phonlogical dyselxia linsk
Phonological dyslexia links- The dual route model suggests these people rely entirely on route 2 so they cant link sound to spelling but can only rely on memory, so if presented a non word they cant read that as its not in their memory. The connectionist triangle model says people have a general phonological deficit not specific to reading.
what is deep dyslexia
difficulties reading words and non-words but IMPORTANTLY via semantic Erros/ semantic substitutions.
deep dyselxia links
Deep dyslexia links- Dual route model cannot account for this type of dyslexia. Connectionist tringle model attributes this dyslexia to general phonological deficit not specific to reading.