Lecture 9 Flashcards
What’s the difference between sex and gender?
Sex: Assigned at birth (physical components) (AFAB or AMAB)
Gender Identity: Psychological and social construct. Person’s feelings behind femine masculine and androgeny.
Intersex: Doesn’t fall in the biological def of male or female
How do children develop gender identity?
(social cognitive learning theory)
Children learn gender roles the same way they learn other social behaviours.
Renforced through:
1. Parents
2. Teachers
3. Peers
4. Toys
5. Media
How do parents react to gender?
- rewarding gender-congruous (norm)
- behaviours and discouraging gender-incongruous
behaviours (abnormal) - tolerate agression more in boys than girls
- use more emotion words with girls
- Different expectations for helping others
- Parents choose same gender playmates
- Modle behaviour
Fathers and gender
Fathers tend to:
* Encourage gender-related play more
* Push sons more
* Accept dependence more from daughters
* Respond to children based on gender stereotypes
Parents gender doesn’t matter as long as they have two parents
How do teachers effect gender
- They make it saliant in the classroom (important)
- They interact with boys more than girls
- Use different language and methodes of corection
Peers influence on gender
- Boys have more presure to be masculine than girls do to be feminine
- Children start reinforcing gender role norms as early as
3 years old - During preschool, children start showing a preference
for playing with their own gender (found accross cultures, happens spontaniously).
What is self selection
Kids gravitate towards people that are similar to them (gender is a part of identity plays a role in who they hang out with)
Boy vs girl diff in play
- Girls use enabling languague: open, involving others, questions, helping piers get involved
- Girls = prosocial dominance - turn taking in speaking, teach younger children.
- Constricting language: competition, exsageration, threatening
- Egoistic dominance: competivie, needing to be right, less helpful for group cohession
- These styles clash and end up renforse gender role steriotypes leading to the homophily
amplification hypothesis
Talk to me about the gender segregation cycle
- kids start hanging out with same gender (naturaly)
- Increase gender steriotypes fewer + attitudes about gendre more - atitudes about gender
- Reduced ability to interct with that other gender
- same gender play
How can adults reduce steriotypical play styles
- Encouraging mixed-gender play can decrease stereotypical gender play styles
- Parents’ gender stereotypes influence how children play
Influence of toys on boys and girls
- Toys are marketed differently for girls and boys
- There is evidence that playing with dolls promotes being
caring and nurturing. Additionally, some dolls promote a
focus on appearance and sexualization - There is evidence for violent video games increasing
aggressive behavior, aggressive thinking, decreases in
helping others, and decreases in empathy for both boys
and girls - Gender plays a huge role in this difference
- Toys aimed at boys: boys and girls on package
- Toys aimed at girls dont have boys.
Talk about media and gender
- TV data from 2014-2015 showed that mainstream
shows underrepresent women and characters of color - Progress has been made in showing women in more diverse careers, but men are not as readily depicted in traditionally feminine roles
- TV tends to reinforce the heterosexual script, reflects themes of sexual double standards, courtship behavior (men initiate and women respond), and commitment (men avoid, women seek)
Children who watch more TV tend to have more stereotyped views of gender roles
What are instrumental traits and expresssive traits
Instrumental traits: Confidence being assertive (tradtionaly men)
Expressive traits: nurturing caring…
Adrogenous= not conforming with male or female steriotypes=higher well being
more pressure for gender conformity for boys
How to raise a kid in a more gender nuteral way
- Practice egalitarian gender roles at home
- Avoid highly gendered language
- Have conversations around gender roles and stereotypes with children
- Avoid basing decisions for their child around gender when it’s not necessary
What is transgender? What is cisgender?
Transgender: a gender identity that is different from the one assigned at birth
* Cisgender: a gender identity that is the same as the on
assigned at birth