Lecture 7 Flashcards
What is Erick Erickson’s first stage?
Trust vs. Mistrust
- 0-18 months
What is Erick erickson’s deal?
Every child develops in a relitivly stage like way. At each stage we learn somthing. Each stage has a goal that must be accomplished.
Stage 1
How does an infant learn to trust or mistrust?
- caregiver consistancy
- are the parents warm and responsive most of the time?
- Huge part of attachment theory
Stage two: autonomy vs. shame and doubt
- 18 months to 2 years
- Infant is developing autonomy desire to be their own person ( freedom, needs must be met, kids saying no, making little dissisions)
- Helping their emotion regulation and emotional intelligence is important
- Theory of mind is developing - this is seen through their autonomy
What is prosocial behaviour?
- Actions that build a sense of comunity with other human beings
- Helping out doing good things for others
- Todlers have a greater capacity than typically seen in adults
What is altruism
- Doing something for the good of it.
- Not geting anything in return
Empathy vs. sympathy
Empathy = relating to someone (you litteraly feel their pain)
Sympathy = is just feeling bad for someone (not super physicaly effected)
Past research says that sympathy is more linked to helping people. Feeling too much inhibits your ability to make change.
Empathy spurs people into action. Reasearch is changing it is also linked to prosocial behaviour
Guilt vs shame
Shame: Personal humiliation
ex. “you’re a bad kid for hitting!”
Guilt: Recignition of a moral standard and that that moral standard has been violated. Make it about the action and not the person themselves.
ex. “you’re not a bad kid, but you did a bad thing that hurt someone”
What is induction
When you point out how someone feels when a child breaks a rul or acts agressivly- stymulates guilt.
ex. “When you hit him, it made him feel sad. Do you remember how sad you were when
your sister hit you yesterday?”
more effective than shame
What are externalizing behaviours?
Physicaly showing emotions
Acting out or disruptions
More comen in men (why? because of socialization and gender roles)
- Huge intersexionality component
- resentment
- keeping emotions inside
- isolating
- More comen in women
What happens in stage 3 (erik erikson)?
Initiative vs. Guilt
* Age 3-6
* Taking the initiative to confront life, exploring their world, asking a lot of questions, “why” stage
* If kids are properly supported then they have more initiative. Answer their questions, give them confidence.
Emotional regulation adults teaching kids
Adults can help normilize feelings
Are you scared hurt or surprised?
Modle naming emotion
scafold emotional regulation
Helps kids learn emotional self regulation
Stage 4
Industry vs. Inferiority
* Age 7 to about (preeteens)
* Children at this age are cognitively becoming more self-
aware, and begin to realize they’re not perfect!
- decentering
- They can evaluate different areas of their skills and
* Scholastic competence (academic), behavioural
(being “good”), athleticism, likeability (popularity),
* Self esteem is affected more in highly-valued area
* Kids are starting to learn that if they try hard at something they can get better but if they are constantly being told they aren’t good enough they’ll start to belive that
Are the people around them supporting them or shutting them down
Self awarness and self esteem
developing 7 to preeteen
stage 4
Self awarness: decentering, more awear of who they are as an individual
Self esteem = how good they feel about themselves, can develop confidence and self confidence