lecture 4 Flashcards
What do the words Cephalocaudal
and Proximodistal mean?
Cephalocaudal means body matures from head to toe (ie. head starts of giant for babies then the rest of their body has to grow to catch up).
Proximodistal- development moves from center of body (abdominal mucles) outwards (using legs walking)
How do bones start?
As cartilage
What are the three mechanisms of growth?
- Hereditary- genetics controling how we grow and develope
- Sleep- 80% of growth hormon is secreted in putuetary gland while they sleep. Hormones released during sleep have an impact on mucle growth.
- Balanced nutrition- is this child getting the nutrition they need
how many nurons?
100 billion neurons
describe the parts of the neuron
Dendrites (roots)
cell body
nucleus ( center)
myelin (fatty layer insalator)
synapse (conection spot to the other neurons)
dendrites of other neurons
Babinski reflex
If you strock a baby’s foot the toes fan out
Palmar grasp
Put hand in baby’s palme they grab
Other reflexes
stepping sucking
withdrawl - pick foot they pull away
How many hours a day do babies sleep?
How much of babies energy is devoted to growth
breast feeding vs bottle feeding
- antibodies (less sick)
- bonding
- pumping
- cheper
bottle feeding:
- bonding
- more convient
- no antibodies but almost same nutrition
What does synaptogenesis mean? How about synaptic pruning?
What are the steps of gross motor development
Physical development steps
- Sit with support
- Sit without support (core mucles must strengthen) 3-6
- crawling (6- 10 months)
- pull to stand (9- 12months) (develops balence strengthens legs)
- cruising (holding on to things walking)
- Walking with support ( holding hands) (9-13 months)
- let go walk on own (12-15 months)
- 24 months can climb kick ball etc…
In order to walk a child must be able to….
Differentiate: do each individual skill first
Integrate: the skills together (combine them)
Other domains of development that impacts…
Physical development: must have limbs mucles bones all developped (more freedom can walk over and fufil their desires on their own, or protect themselves from danger)
motor: walking around moving legs (more mucle tone)
Social emotional: renforcment, Supportive family, siblings (attention, game, bonding)
Cognitive:Where they want to go how their going to get there (spacial recignition, developing if then statments for walking problem solving)
enviroment? if they have toys or objects to help, safe environment, culture
this is also an developmental cascade - once you walk you can develop a lot more (ie talking)
How does a toddlers culture impact their experience on learning to walk?
cultural practices around walking can speed up or slow down motor skills
Ex. Wrapped babies learn to walk later because they have limited mucle movement
Fine motor skills 4
stability: Keep body steady while doing something with limbs
Bilateral coordination: me say play
sensory pr ocessing: Touch and know what th ey are touching
Main millstone for fine motor skills
purpouseful grasp
Palmar grasp being able to use full hand
raking grasp: push ob next into hand using fingers
Pinder: First finger ab and thumb
12 months babies can adjust while reaching for things
Hand dominance i s seen Using a specific hand2-3
36 months Can release objects Fran hand I at aTime