Lecture 2 Flashcards
Personality traits and abilities are determined by our genetics
Our enviroment upbringing and experiences explains how we behave
Hitory of nature vs. Nurture
(3 steps)
Started off as very nature centured until behavourirsts came along John B watson and skinner proved that behaviour can be conditioned (little albert) and Bandura- social learning. This made nurture much more popular. Now more even we use lots of twin and addoption studdies.
Talks about how behaviour and psychological charachteristics are inhreited.
Most behavioural and psychological things exsist on a spectrum and are not controlled by a single gene
Twin studdy
Identical twin: monozygotic twins
Fraternal twin: dizgotic twins
If identical twins both like pinaple on pizza that charachtaristic is…..
If more faternal twins like pinapple on pizza that charachteristic is…
If one twin loves pinaple and the other hates it and they are seperated at birth
We can guess this trait is due to their enviroment (nurture)
Principal 1
Nature influences nurture
The way we are influences how the world interacts with us
Principle 2
The right nurture is needed to fully express nature
environment shapes how genes are expressed
Explain the influences of principle 1 on niche picking
-A person’s enviroment interacts with them diffrently based on their genetic expression.
-We are more likely to seak out an inviroment that is more similar to us (better matches our hereditary).
Principle 2 and epigenetics
Epigenetics is the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work.
Explain Nonshared enviroment
This is what deferentiates two sibblings. They may have different niche picking.
If twins were 100% the same their corelation would be of…
What are the 3 governmental reasearch agencies in canada
the Candian Institutes of Health Research, the Natural Sciences andEngineering Research Council of Canada, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
What are the 6 ethical guidelines
- Seek to do research that benefits humanity
- Minimize risks to the research participants
- Describe the research to participants so they can give informed consent (make an educated decision about
participating) - Avoid deception, and if deception must be used, debrief as
soon as possible (give a thorough explaination) - Keep results anonymous or confidential
- Give a debriefing afterward about the research purposes