Lecture 8: Cells and Tissues Cont. Flashcards
Apical surface
Side next to free space
No blood supply
Lateral surface
Between cells
Basal surface
Near CT layer and basement membrane
Basement membrane
Area binds epithelium to CT. Basal and reticular lamina are subdivisions.
Secrete substances
Endocrine glands
Secrete hormones into bloodstream
Exocrine glands
Secrete substances thru ducts up to epithelium
Connective tissue
Compartmentalize structures, location of immune response, binds structures together, protects organs, transports, stores fats
Extra cellular matrix (ECM)
Surrounds cells
Collagen fibers
Thick, strong, give flexibility
Elastic fibers
Thin, not as strong but stretchy
Reticular fibers
Highly branched, not flexible but supportive
Loose CT
Softer, more cells and fewer fibers
Aereolar CT
Cushions, protects organs
Adipose tissue
Reticular CT
Framework for free blood cells
Dense CT
Collagen fibers are main element
Dense regular CT
Connection between different tissues, fibers parallel
Dense irregular
Skin. Not parallel.
Blood tissue
Plasma: ECM of blood
Platelets: cell fragments involved with blood clotting
White blood cells: immune response
Red blood cells: carry oxygen
Skeletal muscle
Attached to bone, voluntary
Smooth muscle
Lines organs, involuntary
Cardiac muscle
Only in heart, involuntary
Sends electrical signals
Neuroglial cells
Cells that support neurons