lecture 7 Flashcards
Condition that causes frequent seizures
burst of electrical activity in the brain disrupts brain function
Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
1- Most common type of epilepsy
Causes: traumatic injury, stroke
Age of onset: either childhood or after 60.
Treatments: medication surgery, brain stimulation
side effects: drowsiness, loss of creativity
Symptoms of Temporal Lobe epilepsy?
1-Temporal Lobe patients may exhibit a personality change.
2-Temporal lobe personality is set of traits may be seen in Temporal lobe epilepsy patients.
3- Mild symptoms not all the traits are seen in one person.
4- Theorized to be caused by neural plasticity coping with changes or damage.
Temporal Lobe personality
1-Altered sexual interest
2-Anger and agression
Focal onset seizure
1- Most common type of epilepsy
2- person is aware
generalized onset
person loses awareness
Unknown onset
when the seizure isn’t witnessed by anyone and the patient doesn’t have the memory of awareness during the seizure.
Tonic-clonic seizure
Seizure type depicted in the movies.
Loss of consciousness, muscle contractions, and abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain.
Sign of onset: partial seizure “aura” abnormal sensations.
Tonic phase: sudden stiffness or tension in the muscles , legs or torso might end up with one falling.
Clonic phase: repeated jerking movement of the arms and legs.
Postical period: the period after a seizure when the brain is recovering.
how does EEG function and what’s the use?
Seizure activity can be seen on EEG.
Scalp’s electrical current charge is compared to electrical signals individually to see the abnormal points.
What’s the function of Superior temporal gyrus?
Auditory processing
Inferotemporal cortex
Visual processing
Pyriform cortex
olfactory(smell) processing & meory
Fusiform gyrus
facial recognition
Corpus collasum
Bilateral communication