Lecture 6: tissue renewal Flashcards
Parenchymal cells
-functional cells of organ
-hepatocytes, myocytes
stromal cells
-supporting structure of organs
-ECM, blood vessels, connective tissue
Tissue regeneration
-replacement of injured tissue with cells of same type and function
tissue repair
-when damage cannot be reverse by regenration alone
Responses to Tissue INjury
Stages of healing
- hemostasis
- inflammation
- proliferation
- remodeling
-minutes after injury
-local vasoconstriction
-activation of platelets and clotting factors to form fibrin clot
-creates scaffold for migrating cells
-drived by platelet-derived mediators, bacteria, and chemoattractants
-mediated by macrophage and fibroblast-derived growth factors
-weeks to months
-transition from type III to type I collagen
-restore tensile strength of tissue
Determinants of Regeneration vs Repair
-nature of cells injured
-extent of injury
-any inflammation?
-underlying disease (diabetes)
Primary intention
-wound closed with surgical intervention
-edges brought together
-best for clean wounds in vascularized areas
secondary intention
-wound open
-left to heal randomly
-good for contaminated wounds
-increased scarring
tertiary intention
-delayed primary closure
-good for initially infected wounds
Cell proliferation
-driven by growth factors
-ability of cell to divide
Cell numbers can be changed by:
-stem cell input rates
-changes in rates of proliferation or differentiation
Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
-from activated macrophages, keratinocytes
-stimulates keratinocyte migration and granuloma formation
Common outcome of various signal transduction pathways of growth factors
change in gene expression
Extracellular Matric (ECM)
-basement membrane
-intersitial matrix
ECM and structural integrity
-related to tissue shape
-tissue specific mechanical properties
-facilitates tissue organization
ECM dynamics
-ECM is a growth factor depot for other signaling molecules
Cell-matric interactions
-ECM anchors cells via interactions with integrins
-related to adhesion and cell spreading
-faciliatates cell polarity and migration
ECM signals vs cell response
-signals for homeostasis, proliferation, differentiation
Basement membrane
-type IV collagen