Lecture 5 - Skeletal System Flashcards
Axial vs appendicular skeletons
Axial - > skull, vertebral column Appendicular - > limbs and appendages
How many bones make up the skull
22 - > 8 cranial bones + 14 facial bones
lists all cranial bones
- > frontal - > parietal (2) - > occipital - > temporal (2) - > sphenoid bone - > ethmoid
cranial vault vs cranial base
vault is the superior aspects of the skull (whats cut off for an autopsy) and the base is the inferior aspect (does not include facial bones)
What are the four sutures of the parietal bone
coronal suture - > between parietal and frontal bones
sagittal suture - > between right and left parietal bones
lambdoidal suture - > between parietal bones and occipital bone
squamous (squamosal) suture - > between parietal and temporal bone on each side of the skull
What is the pterion
point at which the parietal, temporal, frontal and sphenoid bones meet
what is a fontanel?
a gap between the sutures of an infants skull yet to be fully fused
supraorbital margin vs suborbital foramen
supraorbital foramen- > the ridge/notch on the frontal bone above the eye socket supraorbital margin- > the area surrounding the foramen; brow bone area
the skin between your eyebrows
what is the foramen magnum and where is it located
a large oval opening in the occipital bone of the skull
occipital condyles
undersurface protuberances of the occipital bone
superior vs inferior nuchal lines
The nuchal lines are four curved lines on the external surface of the occipital bone (back of the head) the superior one is higher
what is the external occipital protuberance
the point at the back of your head in between the nuchal lines
external occipital crest
the line/groove right below the occipital protuberance
external acoustic meatus
your ear canal
Label all shown

A - > squamous part
B - > zygomatic process
C - > Mandibular fossa
D - > external aucoustic meatus
E - > mastoid process
F - > styloid process
a depression or hollow, usually in a bone
the small, thin bone separating the left and right nasal cavities
list all bones of the orbit
- > Frontal bone
- > Zygomatic bone
- > Maxillary bone
- > Sphenoid bone
- > Ethmoid bone
- > Palatine bone
- > Lacrimal bone
types of paranasal sinuses
- > frontal sinuses (above the eyes/ between the eyebrows)
- > ethmoidal sinuses (behind the eyes)
- >maxillary sinuses (under eye)
- > lacrimal cavity
Bone responsible for “yes” action
bone responsible for “no” action
bones of the nasal cavity
- >nasal bone
- >ethmoid bone
- > vomer
- > maxilla
What does the nasal septum do and what is it made of
- > separates the nasal cavity into to nostrils
- > hyaline cartilage
what does bifid mean and how does it involve the spinal processes
- >
- > the spinous process splits/ is forked on the end, therefore it is bifid
what and where is the dens
the little stick/tooth on the top of the axis which allows the atlas to rotate
how are lumbar vertebrae different from cervical and thorasic
- > they have larger vertebral bodies
- > lack costal facets and transverse foramina
- > aren’t bifid