Lecture 5: Selection methods Flashcards
Expression of an opinion orally or written, about an apllicant’s ability/previous performance/character etc
Reference checks
Process of confirming the accuracy of information by the applicant
Letter of recommendation
Letter of opinion regarding an applicant’s ability to perform a job
Why check references?
To avoid future problems
Problems with references
- Low validity and reliability
- Influenced by writing style –> long letter judged better than shorter ones
Education and performance
Education is not the best predictor of future performance of a candidate
Cognitive ability tests advantages
- Highest validity of all selection methods
- Easy to administer and not expensice
- Not time consuming
Cognitive ability tests disadvantages
-Likely to cause adverse impact
- Low face validity
- Not liked by applicants
Work samples
Applicants perform tasks that replicate actual job tasks (Can be expensive and time consuming)–> can be a part of assessment centres
Assessment centres
A selection technique that uses multiple job-related assessment excercises and multiple assessors to observe and record behaviours of candidates performing job-related tasks
Assesment centres (dis)advantages
- Expensive and time consuming
- Can have low inter-rater agreement because of different assessors
- Safety of candidates for some work samples (construction workers)
- Useful for promotion rather than selection
- Only done by really large companies
Functional personality triad
Combination of conscientiousness, emotional stability and agreeableness negatively predicts withdrawal behaviours
Most strongly associated with positive work performance, predicting positive work behaviours almost twice as well as any of the other four traits (BUT could be less creative)
Personality tests advantages
- Cheap
- Easy to administer
- Little adverse impact
- Predicts best when based on a job analysis
Personality tests disadvantages
- Scale development; not developed properly
- Validity (Myers-Briggs)
- Faking; people can easily fake it
Selection methods
- Most reliable selection methods are ability tests, skills tests and knowledge tests
- References are not a valid selection method
- Personality tests are not a valid selection method
- Experience can be useful under certain conditions, but is also overrated