Lecture 12: Employee well-being Flashcards
Work stress
Overarching term of the process of stressors leading to strain
All aspects of our job that have any type of negative consequence on us
Negative consequences of work stressors
Positive amount of stress
Negative amount of stress
Type A personality
People who always seemed to be rushed/impatient/multitasking/ achievement oriented –> experience more stress
Type B personality
Laid back/ not taking things to serious/ make things relative
People who see things more negatively –> experience more stress
Neuroticism and stress
People who are neurotic experience more stress
Sources of stress
- Personal stressors
- Occupational stressors; work-related factors that can make people feel stressed
- Physical stressors; conditions in which people have to work
- Work schedule
- Technostress; technology related stress (new type)
The curvilinear relationship
Too little stress is bad for perfance, moderate amounts of stress can be good for performance and too much stress is also bad for performance
Transactional theory of stress and coping
- First appraisal (interpretation of the stressors ->
- Second appraisal( analysis of available resources –>
- Stress –>
- Coping (overcoming of stress) –>
- Reappraisal (pacing and learning)
General term for all types of mistreatment in the workplace
Mild and ambiguous type of aggression, not being friendly
Excluding someone from work activities/ ignoring someone
Mostly refers to sexual harassment and gender harassment (makes people feel bad about their gender)
Takes a long time and repeatedly, targeted to one person with a clear purpose to make that person feel bad
Bystander interventions
- When bystanders do nothing, signals the perpetrator that this behaviour is normal, giving him power
- When bystanders intervene this gives a message that this type of behaviour will not be tolerated, perpetrator will conform with group norms after a while