Lecture 10: Employee attitudes, cognitions & behaviour Flashcards
ABC model of attitude
- Affective component; emotions you feel towards you work
- Behavioural component; how you perform
- Cognitive component; how you think about your work and the meaning of it
Affective commitment
How you feel about your organization
Continuance commitment
Whether you’re motivated to stay in your organisation
Normative commitment
What your believes are to how you should be in your workplace and what is the right thing to do
Loving your work
Attention to work, flow
Putting a lot of effort in your work
Difference work engagement and work satisfaction
- Work engagement=the extent to which employees are involved with, committed to, enthousiastic, and passionate about their work
- Work satistaction=these people also love their work but more in a passive state than work engagement
Cognitive dissonance theory
There is a mismatch between how we feel and what we do, dissonance emerges when there is such an inconsistency
3 ways to fix dissonance
- Change attitude
- Change behaviour
- Change behaviour perception
Theory of planned behaviour
Attitudes towards behaviour, subjective norm and perceived behavioural control, lead to –> Behavioural intention, leads to –> Behaviour
Persuasion and influence –> Elaboration likelihood model (ELM)
- Central route: when people are motivated to hear what you have to say
- Peripheral route: when people are not motivated to hear what you have to say
Persuasion and influence –> Heuristic/Systematic Model (HSM)
Mental shortcuts by playing into someones emotions/biases and beliefd
Self-serving bias/attribution bias
- People will attribute success to their internal factors and failure to the external factors
- People will attribute others success to external factors and others failure to internal factors
Decision making theory
- System 1; unconscious, biased, fast
- System 2; rational, slow
Social facilitation
People often perform differently when working in a group then alone
Distraction-conflict theory
Proposes that sometimes people tend to underperform in groups because there is a conflict between them paying attention to the task and paying attention to others
Arousal theory
When working together with others this increases our arousal and this will either make us peform well or badly depending on how our initial skills are
Social loafing
When working in groups people tend to put less effort in than they would have when working alone
Social identity
We tend to identify with certain individuals and social groups, and we tend to evaluate them more positively and behave more positive towards them –> ingroup/outgroup bias
Work group diversity
Organisations are more and more trying to hire globally and attract people from around the globe. Our society is becoming more diverse so you have to work in very diverse teams
We tend to conform with groups and don’t necessarily want to stand out too much and like to fit in (Ash experiment with line length)