Lecture 4 and 5: Reproductive Pathology Flashcards
What species have a diffuse placenta
Horse, pigs
What is a diffuse placenta
Microcotyledons (branched villi) fit into endometrial crypts
What species have a cotyledonary placenta
Ewes and cows
What is a cotyledonary placenta
Cotyledons (tufts of branched villi) attached to caruncles on the endometrium
What species have a zonary placenta
Dog and cat
What is a zonal placenta
Villi form a band around the equator of the chorionic sac
What species have a discoid placenta
Monkey, humans, rodents
What is a discoid placenta
Villi form large discs
What type of placenta is this and what species
diffuse placenta- mares and sows
What type of placenta is this and what species
Cotyledonary- cows and ewes
What type of placenta is this and what species
zonal placenta- dogs and cats
What are amniotic plaques
Foci of squamous epithelium on the internal surface of the amnion role
T or F: amniotic plaques have no functional role
What does this image show/ what is on placenta
amniotic plaques
What is the purpose of endometrial cups in equine placenta
Produce equine chorionic gonadotropin hormone leading to development of corpus luteum which maintains pregnancy
When do the endometrial cups develop
40 days (early)
Horse placenta- what is shown in this image
endometrial cups
What is a hippomane
Concretion of waste products, aggregation of sediments of allantoic fluid
Horse placenta- what is yellow mass
What is a mineralized yolk sac remnant
Circular cystic structure found in allantoic portion of umbilical cord
What is shown here
Mineralized yolk sac remnant
What is the cervical star in equine placenta
Where placenta abuts the cervix- where baby comes out
The cervical star has no attachment to ___
equine placenta- What is this
Cervical star
What is hydrops
Dysregulation of fluid leading to excess accumulation of fluid in the amniotic or allantoic sacs and fetal death
What species is hdyrops most common in
Hydrallantois is more associated with ___disease
Uterine disease
Massive fluid accumulation in allantois can lead to ___ or ___
Abortion or dystocia
Hydramnios is commonly associated with ___
Fetal abnormalities
What is adventitial placetation in cows
Compensation for inadequate development of placetomes
What are some complications of adventitial placentation
- Hydrallantois
- Placental insufficiency—> fetal death
Cow placenta- what wrong
Adventitial placentation
What species typically gets subinvolution of placental sites
What is subinvolution of placental sites
Persistence of normal placental sites, trophoblastic cells retained and continue to invade endometrium and myometrium
What are clinical signs of subinvolution of placental sites
Excessive blood discharge for weeks to months after delivery—> anemia, hypovolemia shock and exsanguination
Dog planceta, dog bled for weeks after giving birth. What is wrong
subinvolution of placental sites
How long til placenta passes in bovines
How long til placenta passes in horses
What are the 2 routes of infection for placentitis
- Ascending through cervix
- Hematogenous to place tome
What signs are seen with chronic placentitis
- Placental edema
- Intercotyledonary opacity
- Intercotyledonary fibrosis
- Cupping of cotyledon
What is abortion
Dead fetus delivered prior to time of expected viability
What is still birth
Dead fetus delivered during period of expected viability
Resorption is a result of early ___
Embryonic death
What are some causes of resorption
Chromosomal or other genetic abnormalities
What is mummification
Auto lysis without putrefaction- fluid gets reabsorbed and fetus desiccates (drys out)
What are the prerequisites for mummification
Closed cervix, no bacteria, skin has not keratinized yet
What species is mummification most common in
What lesion is associated with mummification
Persistent corpus luteum
Mummification can lead to retained with viable fetuses that can lead to prolonged___
Gestation period
T or F: females that had fetus mummified breed normally afterwards
What is macerated fetus
Fetal death in presence of uterine infection- typically bacteria that causes liquefaction/ putrefaction of fetal tissue
What happened and what is cause
macerated fetus, bacteria caused liquefection/ putrefaction of fetal tissue
What are the 3 best samples for an abortion workup
- Entire fetus (on ice not frozen)
- Entire placenta
- Serum from several affected and unaffected animals
If you can only send one thing for an abortion workup, what is most important
What does BVD cause
Abortions, congenital anomalies, persistently infected calf
How is BVD introduced to herd
Persistently infected carriers
How is BVD controlled
If a cow becomes infected with BVD at ~0-120 days gestation what happens
Embryonic death, abortion, stillbirth, mummification, persistently infected calves
If cow becomes infected with BVD at ~120-180 days gestation what happens
Congenital anomalies including hydrocephalus, micropthalmia, cataracts, arthrogryposis, cerebellar hypoplasia
What is best dx for BVD
BHV-1 is often associated with __especially in herds not adequately vaccinated
Abortion storms
Fetuses who mom have BHV-1 are often __mid to late term
What is the definitive host for neospora caninum
What does neospora caninum cause
Abortions at 3-9 months/ mid gestation
T or F: there are no gross lesions with neospora caninum
What are some lesions that can sometimes be seen on fetus with neospora caninum
Necrosis of brain, brain stem, skeletal muscle, heart
What does histo look like for neospora caninum
Tachyzoites in foci of brain necrosis, myocytes
Where does leptospirosis localized in adults
What does leptospirosis cause in pregnant cows
Abort last trimester
How does placenta appear when infected with leptospirosis
T or F: leptospirosis is zoonotic
What lesions does urea plasma diversum cause
Vulvitis, embryonic death, abortion last trimester, birth of dead or weak calves
What part of the placenta is most severely affected by urea plasma diversum
What does urea plasma diversum do to fetus
Firm lungs, non-suppurative alveolitis, erosive conjunctivitis, arthritis
How does the amnion appear that is infected with urea plasma diversum
Opaque, red, and white areas of granulation tissue and fibrosis
What is the dx test for urea plasma diversum
Placenta/ amnion- what could have caused this.
ureaplasma diversum
What is route of infection for Brucella abortus
Ingestion of aborted fetus or placenta or contaminated uterine discharges
Where does Brucella abortus replicate
Trophoblastic cells
Brucella abortus causes both __ and ___placentitis
Intercotyledonary and cotyledonary
How do the cotyledons appear infected with B. Abortus
Necrotic, yellow, gray, covered with brown exudate
How does Intercotyledonary placenta appear infected with B. Abortus
Thickened and opaque, tough with exudates
What does the fetus get when mom is infected with B. Abortus
When does B. Abortus causes abortion
7th or 8th month gestation- late term
T or F: B. Abortus is not zoonotic
Cow placenta- cow aborted calf in 8th month and histo shows a gram - bacteria- what is likely cause
B. Abortus
C. Fetus subspecies venerealis causes ___in cows
C. Fetus subspecies venerealis and C. Fetus subspecies fetus causes __in sheep
What fungi typically caused mycotic abortions
Aspergillus and zygomycetes
What is pathogenesis of mycotic abortions in cows
Hematogenous—> placenta
What is pathogenesis for mycotic abortions in horses
Ascending—> placenta
Mycotic abortions occur when
Mid to late term
How does fetus appear when there is a mycotic abortion
Hyperkeratotic dermatitis, uniquely the eyebrows
How does the placenta appear when there is a fungal infection causing mycotic abortions
Necrotizing placentitis, cotyledons are large, brown, friable
Intercotyledonary chorioallantosis is leathery and covered in brown exudate
What is likely cause of this abortion based on lesions seen
Mycotic abortion
When does Coxiella Burnetti cause abortion
Late in gestation
What does histology of placenta infected with coxiella burnetti show
Many organisms in trophoblasts
Coxiella burnetti is zoonotic and co-infection with ___is common
What is the name of the disease caused by Coxiella burnetti
Q fever
What is name of disease caused by Chalmydia abortus
Ovine enzootic abortion
When does chlamydia abortus typically cause abortion
Final trimester
If you have a late in utero infection with chlamydia abortus it will cause abortion with the __pregnancy
T or F: infection with chlamydia abortus is chronic, but abortion will never occur after 1st one
T or F: chlamydia abortus is zoonotic
What does C. Fetus subspecies fetus cause
Late term abortion or live but sick lambs
T or F: ewes are immune after first infection with C. Fetus fetus
What part of the placenta is more affected by C. Fetus fetus
Placentomes (cotyledonary)»>intercotyledonary
What happens to fetus infected with C. Fetus fetus
Hepatic necrosis
Based on the part of the placenta affected and the late term abortion in an ewe what is likely cause
C. Fetus (most placentomes affected)
Ewe aborted fetus and necropsy of fetus shows there targetoid hepatic necrosis lesions- what is likely cause
C, fetus fetus
What is the definitive host for Toxoplasma gondii
Disease associated with toxoplasma gondii is dependent on ___
Stage of pregnancy
Infection with toxoplasma gondii before 50 days gestation results in what
Embryonic death and resorption
Infection with toxoplasma gondii at 50-90 days gestation results in what
Fetal death, mummification, stillbirth, neonatal death
Infection with toxoplasma gondii in last month of gestation results in what
Unapparent toxoplasmosis or no infection
What does placenta look like that is infected with toxoplasma gondii
Cotyledonary necrosis with mineralization. Multimodal white spots on cotyledons
T or F: T. Gondii is not zoonotic
Cat placenta, aborted fetus. Based on the look of the cotyledons what is likely cause
T. Gondii
What are some viral causes of equine abortion
- EHV-1
- Equine viral arteritis
How do eastern tent caterpillars cause abortion in horses
Migration of setae (hairs) leading to inflammation everywhere, act as FB—> abortion
EHV-1 causes 95% of abortions to occur when
Last 3 months of gestation
What sign is seen with fetus infected with EHV-1
Severe pulmonary edema
What sign is seen in mares infected with equine viral arteritis
Multifocal necrotizing metritis
What are some causes of porcine abortion
- Brucella suis
Brucella suis has affinity for ___ and ___
Skeleton and joints
What are the 4 viruses that cause SMEDI in pigs
- Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome
- Porcine parvovirus
- Pseudorabies virus (herpes-1)
- Porcine circovirus 2
Pig aborted all these piglets- based on varying size what virus likely caused this
Porcine parvovirus
What 2 pathogens cause abortion in dogs
- Canine brucellosis
- Canine herpesvirus
How is canine herpesvirus transmitted
Material lesion via birth canal
Canine herpes virus has a high mortality of puppies <__old
3 weeks
What are some gross findings on puppies infected with canine herpesvirus
Multifocal hemorrhages on kidney- turkey egg kidney
__% of cases of equine twinning, both twins die
What causes equine twinning abortions
Placental insufficiency, deprivation of oxygen and nutrients
What caused this abortion
umbilical cord torsion
What causes pregnancy toxemia
High energy needs during late pregnancy/ early lactation—> negative energy balance—> hepatic lipidosis
What tissue is this from. What taken from pregnant sheep or goat, wht is wrong
liver- hepatic lipidosis due to pregnancy toxemia
What caused this
Ingestion of Veratrum californicum on 14 day gestation in sheep—> cyclopia
What is ergot
Abnormal contractions in uterine smooth muscle
What this
Schistosomus reflexus
Expecting twins, then you pull out on normal twin, then this- what is this
Amorphous globosus
Uterine/ vaginal tear is a sequela to ___
Uterine / vaginal tears can cause severe ___
What this
Uterine/ vaginal tear