Lecture 25 Flashcards
what can alter the lightness perception of an object
the background colour
Mach bands
False impression of a narrow dark band immediately to the left and a narrow light band immediately to the right of each boundary
the way that photoreceptors converge onto bipolar cells and RGCs accounts for
- acuity
- light sensitivity
snellen chart
- herman snellen
- 1862
- asked to read 5 stroke letter s as they get smaller
what is measurement or normal vision
what is legal blindness
visual angle
the angle subtended by an object on the retina
what is the smallest resolvable gratins
0.017 degrees
To be able to see the detect that there is white and
need to have photoreceptors that respond to light in the dark and light area
spatial frequency
number of times a pattern repeats in each unit of space
varying frequency alters level of
varying amplitude alters level of
contrast threshold
smallest amount of contrast required to detect a pattern
nyquist limit
highest spatial frequency that a photoreceptor array can theoretically sample (60 cycles/degree)
Contrast of 1% means
the average intensity was 100 photons the light bar would have to be 101 photons and the dark bar is 99 photons (varying 1 from the average)
human contrast sensitivity curve
factors that affect the CSF (3)
adaptation level
as you age what happens to optic and neural factors
optical and neural factors reduce high frequency cut off
(People who are older are able to see less spatial details (as you age pupils get smaller so less light enters the retina)
have infants mechanisms to encode high spatial frequencies fully matured?
blurred retinal image
most severe at high frequency
broad decrease in sensitivity
due to opacity so light isnt passing through as easily
looking more at scotopic visual system
MS and vision
inflammation of optic nerve, demyelinating disease, if myelin around optic nerve starts breaking down than info from optic nerve can’t go to rest of the brain, outer axons affected first which is why lose low spatial frequency detection first